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Concussion and the lower limb and as a public health issue

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by toomoon, Oct 17, 2012.

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    Effect of a Concussion on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk in a General Population
    April L. McPherson, Matthew B. Shirley, Nathan D. Schilaty, Dirk R. Larson & Timothy E. Hewett
    Sports Medicine volume 50, pages1203–1210(2020)
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    Youth With Concussion Have Less Adaptable Gait Patterns Than Their Uninjured Peers: Implications for Concussion Management
    Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy: May 22, 2020
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    Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury Is Associated with Increased Risk of Concussion in High School Athletes
    Adam Lutz, Charles Thigpen, R. Gil Gilliland, ...
    Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine July 31, 2020
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    The Effects of Concussion
    and the Risk for Subsequent
    Musculoskeletal Injuries

    Derek Charles et al
    Orthopaedic Practice volume 32 / number 1 / 2020
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    NEWS RELEASE 10-SEP-2020
    Concussion discovery reveals dire, unknown effect of even mild brain injuries

    UVA researchers have discovered that concussions and traumatic brain injuries, even when mild, cause swelling that blocks the brain's ability to clean itself of harmful toxins and debris.
    In addition to an immediate impact on memory and brain inflammation, this may seed the brain for Alzheimer's, dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.
    The discovery helps explain why repeated brain injuries are so harmful and suggests they increase the risk of long-term problems.
    It also suggests a reason why blows to the head affect different people differently.
    The findings point to a new approach to treating brain injury and could lead to a better way to determine when it is safe for athletes and military personnel to resume their duties.
    Even mild concussions cause severe and long-lasting impairments in the brain's ability to clean itself of toxins, and this may seed it for Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other neurodegenerative problems, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine reveals.

    The discovery offers important insights into traumatic brain injury (TBI), a poorly understood condition that has become a major public concern, particularly in sports and for the military. The findings help explain why TBI is so harmful and why it can have such long-term effects. The research also suggests that certain patients are at greater risk of a decline in brain function later in life, and it paves the way for new and better treatments.

    "This provides some of the best evidence yet that if you haven't recovered from a brain injury and you get hit in the head again, you're going to have even more severe consequences," said John Lukens, PhD, of UVA's Department of Neuroscience and the Center for Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG). "This reinforces the idea that you have to give people an opportunity to heal. And if you don't, you're putting yourself at a much higher risk for long-term consequences that you might not see in a year but could see in a couple of decades."

    New Understanding of TBI

    Lukens' research identifies a previously unknown consequence of TBI that can have long-lasting effects. When the brain swells, it presses against the skull; trapped in-between are tiny lymphatic vessels that clean the brain. This pressure on the vessels, the UVA researchers found, causes serious and long-lasting impairment of the brain's ability to purge itself of toxins. Working with lab mice, one of the best models of TBI available, the scientists found the impairment could last at least two weeks - a long time for mice - and possibly much longer.

    These lymphatic vessels were identified by Jonathan Kipnis, PhD, and his collaborators at UVA in 2015. Until then, medical textbooks insisted the vessels did not exist and that the brain was "immune privileged," meaning that it did not interact with the immune system. Kipnis' discovery changed all that, and he has since determined the vessels play important roles in both Alzheimer's and the cognitive decline that comes with age.

    Now they emerge as an important player in TBI. "We know that traumatic brain injury carries an increased risk for a bunch of long-term issues like dementia, Alzheimer's disease and CTE [chronic traumatic encephalopathy], and this has really been made extra public because of the NFL," said researcher Ashley C. Bolte, an MD/PhD student. "Then there's also anxiety, depression, suicide. The reasons why TBI results in increased risk for this isn't totally known, and we think that our findings might provide a mechanism as to why."

    People Most at Risk

    The research suggests that people who have pre-existing problems with their brain drainage, either from prior concussions or naturally, are likely to suffer much more severe consequences from TBI. In mice, this led to more brain inflammation and worse outcomes, including memory impairment. "If you have a pre-existing kink in the pipes and you get hit in the head, then everything is taken to a higher level - the impacts on memory, the neuroinflammation," Lukens said. "There are a lot of implications to it."

    Emerging imaging technology may eventually make it possible for doctors to identify people who will suffer the greatest consequences of TBI. More good news: Lukens also believes that doctors may one day be able to rejuvenate the impaired lymphatic vessels with drugs to improve patients' outcomes and possibly stave off long-term consequences. (This also may prove useful in the battle against the cognitive decline that naturally occurs with age.)

    In addition, Lukens said, it eventually may be possible for doctors to evaluate brain drainage after injury to determine when it is safest for patients to return to action.

    "Right now, we really don't know what to tell these kids who want to get back out on the field, or even members of the military," Lukens said. "It would be important to have empirical tests to say you can continue or never to do those things ever again."
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    Gait Performance Is Associated with Subsequent Lower Extremity Injury following Concussion
    OLDHAM, JESSIE R et al
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: November 2020 - Volume 52 - Issue 11 - p 2279-2285
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    Diagnosed Concussion is Associated with Increased Risk for Lower Extremity Injury in Community Rugby Players
    Katherine J. Hunzinger et al
    October 28, 2020
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    Concussion history is associated with increased lower-extremity injury incidence in Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets
    Katherine J Hunzinger et al
    BMJ Mil Health Published Online First: 29 October 2020
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    Concussion Is Associated With Increased Odds of Acute Lower-Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury Among National Basketball Association Players
    Toufic R.Jildeh et al
    Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation; 27 December 2020
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    Association of lower extremity injuries and injury mechanism with previous concussion history in adolescent athletes
    Kevin M.Biese et al
    Physical Therapy in Sport; Volume 48, March 2021, Pages 76-82
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    Musculoskeletal Injuries and Their Association With Previous Concussion History: A Prospective Study of High School Volleyball and Soccer Players
    Kevin M. Biese, MA, ATC, Stephanie A. Kliethermes, PhD, Andrew M. Watson, MD, MS,
    The American Journal of Sports Medicine March 15, 2021
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    Single Season Re-Injury Risk after Concussion and Lower Extremity Injury among Male, Collision Sport, High School Athletes
    Julie C.Wilson et al
    Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport; 5 May 2021
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    Relationship Between Cognitive Performance
    and Lower Extremity Biomechanics
    Implications for Sports-Related Concussion

    Jason M. Avedesian,et al
    The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
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    Caitlin Schult
    July, 2021
    Masters Thesis
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    This clinical trial was just registered:
    Post-Concussion Musculoskeletal Injury Risks
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    A predictive paradigm for identifying elevated musculoskeletal injury risks after sport-related concussion
    MisaghMansouri et al
    Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology; 24 December 2021
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    An Analysis of the Increased Risk for Lower Extremity Injury Within 12 Months After Concussion and Utilization of Lower Extremity Measures for Return to Sport
    Claire Switzer, PT, DPT, Nicole Melfi, PT, DPT, Katy Mitchell, PT, PhD, ...
    Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine May 13, 2022
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    The association between sport-related concussion and musculoskeletal injury in university rugby athletes
    NumanYeneraKerryGlendonabMatthew T.G.Paina
    Physical Therapy in Sport; Volume 55, May 2022, Pages 264-270
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    Concussion is not associated with elevated rates of lower-extremity musculoskeletal injuries in National Football League Players
    Thomas A. Buckley et al
    The Physician and Sportsmedicine: 27 May 2022
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    Lower Extremity Injury Following Return to Sport from Concussion: A Systematic Review
    Toufic Jildeh, MD, Patrick Buckley, Muhammad Abbas, ...
    Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine July 28, 2022
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    The Effect of Concussion History on Lower Extremity Injury Risk in College Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Ryan McCann , Eric Schussler , Jessica Martinez , Vanessa Ramirez
    IJSPT. 2022;17(5):753-765. doi:10.26603/001c.36810
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    Kinesiophobia Is Related to Acute Musculoskeletal Injury Incidence Following Concussion
    Xavier D. Thompson et al
    Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 01 Sep 2022
    on of athletes with a time-loss MSK injury reported a TSK score greater than the clinical cutoff. Our results suggest that factors such as kinesiophobia should be considered following a SC.
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    The Relationship Between Concussion History And Lower Extremity Biomechanics During A Land And Cut Task
    Vu, Nghi Gia; Forbes, Warren; Avedesian, Jason M.; and Dufek, Janet S. (2022)
    International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings: Vol. 14: Iss. 2,
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    Relationship Between Sensory Organization Testing Scores With Lower Extremity Injuries and Prior Concussion in Professional Soccer Players
    Mooney, James MD et al
    Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine ():10.1097/JSM.0000000000001104, January 9, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000001104
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    NEWS RELEASE 15-JUN-2023
    Sports concussions increase injury risk
    Concussions are an unfortunate reality of contact sports at junior and senior levels. Now, sports experts at the University of South Australia are suggesting extended recovery times may be needed for youth athletes suffering from head trauma as new research shows a concussion can increase future injury risk by 50%.

    Published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, the world-first study tracked and evaluated the long-term impact of concussion and subsequent injury risk of 1455 sub-elite junior Australian rules football players.

    This builds on previous UniSA research that found an approximate 1.5-fold increased risk of injury of sub-elite Australian rules football players returning from an injury, compared to those with no injury.

    Tracking injuries over a seven-season period, researchers found that football players who suffered a concussion were also about 1.5 times more likely to be reinjured in the future when compared to players who had never been injured. This increased risk was the same as players returning from upper and lower limb injuries.

    The finding comes ahead of the Australian Senate’s report into concussion injuries, and follows the AFL’s announcement for a $25 million study into the long-term effects of concussions and head knocks.

    In the AFL, concussions are one of the most common injuries, with an average of six concussions every 1000 hours played, which involve around 70 to 80 male players every year.

    In junior elite football as well as AFL and AFLW, the guidelines for concussion say that the earliest a player can return to play post-concussion is 12 days after the injury, after following the graded progression through a return-to-play program.

    Lead researcher, UniSA’s Dr Hunter Bennett, says the significant and elevated risk of injury after a concussion may suggest a longer recovery time is required for some players to better recover before returning to play.

    “The current recommendation of 12 days post-concussion may not be sufficient to allow full recovery in elite under-18 footballers,” Dr Bennett says.

    It may also indicate that the physical qualities impacted by concussion should be assessed more thoroughly before an athlete is cleared to return to the sport.

    “Concussion is a common injury in Australian rules football that can lead to impairments in balance, coordination, reaction time, and decision making – and these impairments can increase the risk of other injuries if an athlete returns to play before being fully recovered.”

    A recent consensus statement on concussion in sport also indicates that children and teenagers may take up to four weeks to recover from a sport related concussion.

    “Concussions are a unique injury that occur without muscle tissue damage, instead impacting aspects of motor control,” Dr Bennett says.

    “Recurrent injuries can significantly impact team success, player health, and career longevity.

    “In elite sports, there is the potential for young athletes to overplay their readiness to return to sport after an injury, as they worry that missing games can exclude them from senior drafting or competition.

    “When we know that athletes have a greater risk of another injury post a concussion, it suggests we need unique and careful rehabilitation strategies to monitor when an athlete is fully recovered and ready to return to play.”

    Researchers say that future research should seek to identify optimal rehabilitation and injury prevention strategies for athletes who suffer from concussions.
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    Multiple Ankle Injuries Are Associated With an Increased Risk of Subsequent Concussion in National Football League Players
    Victoria E Bergstein et al
    Foot Ankle Orthop. 2023 Dec 4
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    Subsequent musculoskeletal injury after concussion in National Football League players
    Erin B Wasserman et al
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    Early Targeted Heart Rate Aerobic Exercise Reduces Proportion of Subacute Musculoskeletal Injuries After Recovery From Sport-Related Concussion
    Leddy, John J. et al
    Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine ():10.1097/JSM.0000000000001273, September 19, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000001273

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