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Good evening -- looking for Associate Position

Discussion in 'Employment in the USA' started by singingscrubs, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. singingscrubs

    singingscrubs Welcome New Poster

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    Hello everyone,

    I am a recent graduate from a renowned 3-year podiatric surgical residency program in Washington, D.C. I am looking for an associate position in the following areas:

    - San Francisco Bay Areas (East, South, etc)
    - San Jose
    - Santa Clara Valley
    - Sacramento


    Southern Maryland
    Northern Virginia

    I would like to find a healthy, challenging, and unique working opportunity that is a good fit for both sides. Please feel free to contact me for CV and list of references.

    Thank you very much for your time!
  2. foot4455

    foot4455 Member


    I am responding to your ad for a podiatry job. My name is R. Andy Dale, DPM & I own a practice in Clarksburg, WV in north-central WV. This town is small, 15,000 people or so, but it's near WVU which is a major university. there is a new hospital built a few years ago that is fantastic & very nice. I am in a 2 person practice & the senior DPM is retiring. I'm in my late 30's and have been employed here for 7 years. The town is safe, quiet, great place to raise kids. This practice is 39 years old, well established, & we get many referrals. Compensation will include CME, malpractice, pager, cell phone, health insurance, $70K/year base salary, negotiable bonus of about 30% of collections after certain collection amount is reached, potential to make $100K or more.

    Contact information: office # - 304-623-6728, e-mail - associatedpodiatrists@gmail.com

    Contact us if you have any questions. I hope to hear from you.


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