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Lecture offers in Europe for late October

Discussion in 'Conferences' started by drcmclean, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. drcmclean

    drcmclean Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    I am a double-board certified (really three) Podiatric physician, and will be in Europe in mid-to-late October, and would very much enjoy the opportunity to lecture or speak. Rome, Berlin, Bucharest, or any major city are options for me. (Unfortunately, I am fluent only in English.)

    I have lectured on a variety of topics, from diabetes, to wound care, to flatfoot repair, FREMS therapy, venous insufficiency, critical limb ischemia, bone grafting, et al. I have taught at two different medical schools, was the official designated lecturer for a 50 doctor medical group, and have given over a hundred lectures.

    Please let me know if I might be of service in some way to your association, be it in October, or perhaps, at some point in the future.

    Dr. Conway T. McLean, DABFAS, FAPWHc

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