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Repeatability in the assessment of multi-segment foot kinematics

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Griff, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Repeatability in the assessment of multi-segment foot kinematics
    Kevin Deschamps, Filip Staes, Herman Bruyninckx, Ellen Busschots, Ellen Jaspers, Ameya Atre, Kaat Desloovere
    Gait & Posture Volume 35, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 255–260

  2. NewsBot

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    The Effects of Walking Speed on Adult Multi-segment Foot Kinematics
    Grant J and Chester V Andrew and Marjorie McCain
    Grant and Chester, J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci 2015, 5:2
  3. efuller

    efuller MVP

    One thing I've noticed that people that have received good orthotics tend to walk faster. I wish someone did a study looking at self selected gait velocity with and without orthotics. I'm not quite sure how that fits into the above study.

  4. NewsBot

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    Reliability and minimal detectable difference in multisegment foot kinematics during shod walking and running
    Clare E. Milner, Richard A. Brindle
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  5. NewsBot

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    Repeatability of A 3D Multi-segment Foot Model During Anterior and Lateral Step Down Tests
    Paulo Roberto Garcia Lu et al
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  6. NewsBot

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    Repeatability of the Oxford Foot Model for Kinematic Gait Analysis of the Foot and Ankle.
    Hoeve S, de Vos J, Weijers P, Verbruggen J and Willems P, et al.
    Clin Res Foot Ankle 3:171.
  7. NewsBot

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    A marker placement laser device for improving repeatability in 3D-foot motion analysis
    Eva Kalkum, Stefan van Drongelen, Johannes Mussler, Sebastian I. Wolf, Benita Kuni
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  8. NewsBot

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    Repeatability of the Oxford Foot Model for Kinematic Gait Analysis of the Foot and Ankle.
    van Hoeve S et al
    Clin Res Foot Ankle. 2015 Aug 24;3. pii: 171.
  9. NewsBot

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    The feasibility of a modified shoe for multi-segment foot motion analysis: a preliminary study
    J. Halstead, A. M. Keenan, G. J. Chapman and A. C. Redmond
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research20169:7
  10. NewsBot

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    The Glasgow-Maastricht foot model, evaluation of a 26 segment kinematic model of the foot
    Michiel Oosterwaal, Sylvain Carbes, Scott Telfer, James Woodburn, S?ren T?rholm, Amir A. Al-Munajjed, Lodewijk van Rhijn and Kenneth MeijerEmail authorView ORCID ID profile
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research20169:19
  11. NewsBot

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    Reliability of a Seven Segment Foot Model With Medial and Lateral Midfoot and Forefoot Segments During Walking Gait.
    Cobb SC, Joshi MN, Pomeroy RL.
    J Appl Biomech. 2016 Sep 29:1-18.
  12. NewsBot

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    Inter-segmental motions of the foot in healthy adults: Gender difference.
    Lee DY et al
    J Orthop Sci. 2016 Oct 7
  13. NewsBot

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    Inter-Segmental Foot Motions in Children and Adolescents Using a Three-Dimensional Multi-Segment Foot Model
    Dong Yeon Lee, MD, PhD et al
    Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics September 2016 – December 2016 vol. 1 no. 1
  14. NewsBot

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    3D Multi-segment foot kinematics in children: A developmental study in typically developing boys
    Kevin Deschamps et al
    Gait & Posture 11 November 2016
  15. NewsBot

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    Kinematics and kinetics analysis of midfoot joints of 30 normal subjects during walking
    Análisis Cinético y Cinemático de las Articulaciones del Mediopie durante la Marcha en Sujetos Sanos: Consideraciones Clínicas
    Enrique Sanchis-Salesa, Joaquin Luis Sancho-Brub, Alba Roda-Salesb, Javier Pascual-Huertac, ,
    Revista Española de Podología
    Available online 23 November 2016

  16. NewsBot

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    Anatomical masking of pressure footprints based on the Oxford Foot Model: validation and clinical relevance
    Claudia Giacomozzi, Julie A. Stebbins
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  17. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Inter-segmental motions of the foot: differences between younger and older healthy adult females
    Dong Yeon Lee, Sang Gyo SeoEmail author, Eo Jin Kim, Doo Jae Lee, Kee Jeong Bae, Kyoung Min Lee and In Ho Choi
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2017 10:29
  18. Petcu Daniel

    Petcu Daniel Well-Known Member

    What is interesting to me is that the rearfoot (hindfoot /calcaneus) is defined "on the line bisecting posterior aspect of the heel at the height of the toe marker [Heel] and just above the fat pad [Heel distal]", while its kinematic is similar with that from Wright and referenced by Root
    upload_2017-7-17_16-40-41.png upload_2017-7-17_16-41-43.png

    Attached Files:

  19. NewsBot

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    Estimation of foot joint kinetics in three and four segment foot models using an existing proportionality scheme: application in paediatric barefoot walking
    Deschamps Kevin et al
    Journal of Biomechanics; 28 July 2017
  20. NewsBot

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    A novel magnet based 3D printed marker wand as basis for repeated in-shoe multi segment foot analysis: a proof of concept
    Maarten Eerdekens, Filip Staes, Thomas Pilkington and Kevin Deschamps
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2017 10:38
  21. NewsBot

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    The effect of age and speed on foot and ankle kinematics assessed using a 4-segment foot model.
    van Hoeve S, Leenstra B, Willems P, Poeze M, Meijer K.
    Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Sep;96(35):e7907. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000007907.
  22. NewsBot

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    Coordination among the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot during walking
    Tomoya TakabayashiEmail author, Mutsuaki Edama, Emi Nakamura, Erika Yokoyama, Chiaki Kanaya and Masayoshi Kubo
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2017 10:42
  23. NewsBot

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    Movement coordination patterns between the foot joints during walking
    John B. Arnold, Paolo Caravaggi, François Fraysse, Dominic Thewlis and Alberto Leardini
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research201710:47
  24. NewsBot

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    Repeatability of the Oxford Foot Model in Children with Foot Deformity
    Jennifer McCahill et al
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  25. NewsBot

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    Quantifying coordination among the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot segments during running.
    Takabayashi T et al
    Sports Biomech. 2018 Mar;17(1):18-32. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2016.1271447.
  26. NewsBot

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    Partitioning ground reaction forces for multi-segment foot joint kinetics
    Dustin A. Bruening et al
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  27. NewsBot

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    A minimal markerset for three-dimensional foot function assessment: measuring navicular drop and drift under dynamic conditions
    Patric Eichelberger, Angela Blasimann, Nicole Lutz, Fabian Krause and Heiner Baur
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research201811:15
  28. NewsBot

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    Inter-segment foot motion in girls using a three-dimensional multi-segment foot model
    Woo Young Jang et al
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  29. NewsBot

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    Comparison of Three-Dimensional Multi-segmental Foot Models Used in Clinical Gait Laboratories
    Kristen Nicholson et al
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
  30. NewsBot

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    Validation of an inertial measurement unit for the quantification of rearfoot kinematics during running
    Daniel Koska et al
    Gait and Posture: Article in Press
  31. NewsBot

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    Sex-related differences in coordination and variability among foot joints during running
    Tomoya TakabayashiEmail author, Mutsuaki Edama, Takuma Inai and Masayoshi Kubo
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research201811:53: 17 September 2018
  32. NewsBot

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    Reliability of a multi-segment foot model in a neutral cushioning shoe during treadmill walking
    Megan E. R. Balsdon and Colin E. Dombroski
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research201811:60
  33. NewsBot

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    Multi-segment foot models and their use in clinical populations
    AlbertoLeardinia PaoloCaravaggia TimTheologis JulieStebbins
    Gait & Posture; Available online 15 January 2019
  34. NewsBot

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    Marker cluster rigidity in a multi-segment foot model
    Po-HsiangChanaJulieStebbinsbAmy B.Zavatskya
    Journal of Biomechanics; 9 January 2019
  35. NewsBot

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    Reliability of medial-longitudinal-arch measures for skin-markers based kinematic analysis
    PaoloCaravaggi et al
    Journal of Biomechanics; 18 March 2019
  36. NewsBot

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    Quantifying clinical misinterpretations associated to one-segment kinetic foot modelling in both a healthy and patient population
    Maarten Eerdekens et al
    Clin Bio; Article in Press
  37. NewsBot

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    Unholey shoes: experimental considerations when estimating ankle joint complex power during walking and running
    Kirsty A.McDonaldaEric C.HonertaOlivia S.CookaKarl E.Zelikabc
    Journal of Biomechanics; 23 May 2019
  38. NewsBot

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    Comparison of the hindfoot axes of a multi-segment foot model to the underlying bony anatomy
    Amy B.Zavatsky et al
    Journal of Biomechanics; 11 June 2019
  39. NewsBot

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    Number of segments within musculoskeletal foot models influence ankle kinematics and strains of ligaments and muscles.
    Kim H, Kipp K
    J Orthop Res. 2019 Jun 17
  40. NewsBot

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    Clinical Applicability of an Existing Proportionality Scheme in Three-Segment Kinetic Foot Models.
    Eerdekens M et al
    AnnBiomed Eng. 2019 Aug 20.

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