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What a buzz! Vibration therapy improves strength and balance

Discussion in 'Gerontology' started by Hylton Menz, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. Hylton Menz

    Hylton Menz Guest

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    A paper from the latest Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation reports that a 6-week program of "whole body vibration" improves strength, balance and gait in older people :eek: . Click here for the abstract.

    The treatment involves standing on a platform that vibrates at between 10 and 26Hz for 4 series of 1 minute trials alternating with 90 seconds of rest.


    Vibration therapy is receiving quite a lot of attention recently, not only for improving mobility in older people but also in relation to improving sporting performance and as a preventative measure for osteoporosis.

    Vibration has also been incorporated into insoles to improve balance.

    Has anyone seen this treatment in action?


  2. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

    Thanks Hylton for posting this information, most intersting indeed. The impact of nan and biotechnologies into clothing is staggering and very likely to impact in foot care in the near future. As you may know I am collecting a portfolio of these developments and hope to present a paper or three on the changing role of footwear.

  3. Erp

    Erp Member

    Dear Hylton,
    Last year we had a patient who was having 'vibration therapy' to treat the lymphoedema in his legs. He had diabetes, neuropathy and had already had a digital amputation.
    After investigation, he had acute Charcot which had already moved well into the destructive phase. By the time we used a TCC, the midfoot collapse was already well formed and he now has consequent ulceration on the plantar surface.
    The professional using the therapy was a nurse who supplied some information claiming this treatment was effective for almost anything.
    Obviously, Charcot wasn't on the list as they had never heard of it!
    We now advise our patients not to try vibration therapy, but this obviously has a very different use for falls and balance so I won't rule it our entirely.
  4. Hylton Menz

    Hylton Menz Guest

    A good review on vibration therapy:

    Br J Sports Med. 2005 Sep;39(9):585-9; discussion 589.

    Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you?
    Cardinale M, Wakeling J.

    Whole body vibration has been recently proposed as an exercise intervention because of its potential for increasing force generating capacity in the lower limbs. Its recent popularity is due to the combined effects on the neuromuscular and neuroendocrine systems. Preliminary results seem to recommend vibration exercise as a therapeutic approach for sarcopenia and possibly osteoporosis. This review analyses state of the art whole body vibration exercise techniques, suggesting reasons why vibration may be an effective stimulus for human muscles and providing the rationale for future studies.
  5. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    My n=1 experience of this is ...

    Two knee arthroscopes followed by extremely weak quads and difficulty with stair walking .... no amount of sand bag lifting and gym work would strengthen them. ... then happened to be at a conference and a physio I knew was staffing one of the exhibits for a vibration machine .... so I had 4 seessions during the conference of doing lunges for the knee with one foot on the vibration platform --- I could realy feel the quads firing big time --- a week later in the gym, I was making big strides in strength of the quads .... it was almost as though the vibration broke down some sort of barrier that was preventing strengthening.
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exercise on Lower-Extremity Muscle Strength and Power in an Older Population: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
    Rees SS, Murphy AJ, Watsford ML.
    Phys Ther. 2008 Jan 24 [Epub ahead of print]
  7. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A comparative study of whole body vibration training and conventional training on knee proprioception and postural stability after anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionA Moezy, G Olyaei, M Hadian, M Razi, S Faghihzadeh
    British Journal of Sports Medicine 2008;42:373-385
  8. Boots n all

    Boots n all Well-Known Member

    l find this all very interesting, so l went to a suppliers website, not much factual information just sale type talk.
    l then phoned the guys to get more information, from a possible medical view, they said they would give out none in writing as for fear of legal responsibility :confused:

    More interesting was the price range from $599 to $1299 on one website to this one in the Sydney Morning Herald October 2006

    "In Australia, the Personal Power Plate costs $6100, with the deluxe model, the Next Generation, a whopping $17,000..."

    For $17,000 it would want to sweat for me too
  9. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    ScienceDaily are reporting:
    Neuromuscular Activation By Means Of Vibrations
    Full story
  10. pgcarter

    pgcarter Well-Known Member

    The Japanese Chi machine is perhaps partial body vibration, I have one and use it and on occasion have recommended it to patients......it does loosen things up, no doubt about it in the short term...as for long term benefits...who knows?
  11. Robyn Elwell-Sutton

    Robyn Elwell-Sutton Active Member

    Have personally tried for poor pelvic stability, low leg/knee muscle tone , and mild spasticity of hip flexors. Fantastic. Also good for weak pelvic floor control.
    Highly recommend for all over 50 women,especially if sedentary,overweight and had multiple births.

    Elder robyn hood
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  12. Johnpod

    Johnpod Active Member

    I have personal experience of a vibrating platform machine that has eight selectable viibrating frequencies and three different time settings. There are also three choices of 'automatic programme' where the amplitude is varied, apparently randomly.

    At three minutes of the most violent vibration available, there is certainly some effect to be felt in the legs and feet. The ankles and feet 'glow' with a warmth that is highly suggestive of increased blood flow, and the effect lasts for a period of several minutes. It is a pleasant sensation, certainly not uncomfortable.

    One thing that I noticed is that when standing erect, your actual eyeballs jiggle about, and it rattles your brain - unless you flex the knees. With knees flexed you can focus again and think straight! By varying the knee positions you can vary the experience, joint by joint.

    There is another version of the same idea. We have a local salon that has opened to offer 'wobble your way to fitness'. These machines have a bigger platform, a greater amplitude, and 'shake' rather than vibrate.

    I can't see them making you fit on their own, but they certainly seem to warm and loosen the musculature and probably have a place in a well put together training programme.
  13. GlynnJ

    GlynnJ Member

    Has there been any research into vibration and blood flow in patients with peripheral ischaemia?
  14. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effects of intensive whole body vibration training on muscle strength and balance in adults with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled pilot study.
    Tankisheva E, Bogaerts A, Boonen S, Feys H, Verschueren SM.
    Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Sep 22. pii: S0003-9993(13)00924-6.
  15. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  16. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The effect of short- and long-term vibration training on postural stability in men.
    Piecha M, Król P, Juras G, Sobota G, Polak A, Bacik B.
    Acta Bioeng Biomech. 2013;15(3):29-35.
  17. corndolly

    corndolly Member

    Hi Cameron have you produced your paper on The changing role of footwear?
    And has anyone any new news/comments on vibration and circulation?
  18. Elizabeth Humble-Thomas

    Elizabeth Humble-Thomas Active Member

    Are there any vibrating insoles currently on the market?
  19. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

  20. Jaimee Brent

    Jaimee Brent Active Member

    Has there been any studies done on this and its specific relation to proprioception?
    Would be interesting to see if this is increased and hence reducing falls risk in patients...
  21. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Whole body vibration immediately decreases lower extremity loading during the drop jump.
    Chen, Zong-Rong; Peng, Hsien-Te; Siao, Sheng-Wun; Hou, Yan-Ting; Wang, Li-I
    Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: February 02, 2016
  22. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Whole body vibration training improves vibration perception threshold in healthy young adults: A randomized clinical trial pilot study.
    Hernandez-Mocholi MA, Dominguez-Mu?oz FJ, Corzo H, Silva SC, Adsuar JC, Gusi N.
    J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2016 Mar;16(1):12-7.
  23. Drmikeneuro

    Drmikeneuro Welcome New Poster

    Hey Doc,

    We have a great Neuropathy program at no cost to you!!!! * You will make an extra 15,000-30,000 per month. We supply all the equipment and pay for all the marketing/advertising*upfront. We really like your area and feel that this program will do very well in your office. Again, there is no risk at all!! I will gladly send you some more info or can give you a call at your convience. Right now we have nobody in your area and looking to find someone quickly.*


    Dr Mike


    917 309 1238

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