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Podolog Ukraine
Welcome New Poster, Female, from Kharkiv, Ukraine
My task is to take care of the health and comfort of your feet. I provide a full range of podological services Jul 12, 2024
- Podolog Ukraine was last seen:
- Jul 12, 2024
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- Gender:
- Female
- Home Page:
- https://podoscop.org/
- Location:
- Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Country Flag:
- ukraine
- Blog Feed:
- https://podoscop.org/category/podolog-novini/
I am a qualified foot care specialist, a professional who will provide effective improvement to your feet. After assessing the current condition of your feet and nails, the podiatrist will develop the optimal treatment plan. I provide podiatry services, offer advice on improving the health of your feet, select appropriate home care and provide the necessary assistance.Interact
- Facebook:
- podolog.saltovka
- Twitter:
- podologkharkov