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Are you ready for something new? We are! Full time Melbourne!

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by Heather J Bassett, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Heather J Bassett

    Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    We’re excited to be seeking our next Podiatrist to complete our Team.

    You have the opportunity to join a motivated, dynamic team who all love what they do and support each other to be the best we can be.

    Our strength is celebrating our differences.

    What skills can you bring with you? What skills do you want to develop further?

    Is your area of expertise general treatment? Great let’s celebrate that!

    Do you have a passion for another area of Podiatry? Let's explore that!

    The hours are fantastic! Life balance! Enjoy what you do at work and at play!

    38 hour week
    9 - 5 Monday Tuesday Friday
    10 - 6 Wednesday Thursday
    No weekends. No aged care.
    Paid weekly.

    Free parking. Close to public transport and shops. Full admin support. Electronic Records. Purpose built clinic. Decades of tried and tested systems in place.

    Customer care is our passion! Getting results for them is important to us!

    Mentoring available from 3 Senior Podiatrists.

    Access to multiple journals.

    3D scanning and lab used for prescription orthoses.

    Experience is preferred for this role.

    Your cover letter is most important. Please share what drives you, what you can offer, what you are looking for, and when you can start.

    You are welcome to reapply, if you missed out on a position in the past!

    Please apply to admin@bassettpodiatrygroup.com.au
    Attention - HR Team
    Subject - Podiatry Application

    Applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

    Heather Bassett Podiatry Group - Empowerment Growth Inspired Trust Connected
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017

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