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iRemedy for Wound Care Management

Discussion in 'Diabetic Foot & Wound Management' started by Anthony Caruso, Mar 3, 2019.


Do you have your DME license?

  1. No

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  2. Yes

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  1. Anthony Caruso

    Anthony Caruso Welcome New Poster

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    iRemedy Wound Care

    I wanted to share with you another product that I also sell for wound care. Please see below and please let me know if you would like to setup a time to discuss.

    iRemedy is a healthcare technology and product fulfillment company that services thousands of healthcare providers of all sizes. We have a simple, powerful solution for dispensing wound care products through a practice’s own DME license and increasing your practice revenue and patient outcomes.

    The Advanced Wound Care Supply Program provides for iRemedy to manage all aspects of supply fulfillment and reimbursement for wound care solutions prescribed by podiatrists for their patients, including collagen powder, collagen dressing, silver alginate, calcium alginate, hydrogel, foam dressing and hydrocolloid dressing, as well as secondary dressings that include gauzes, conforming bandages and tapes.

    More specifically, when a DME-licensed podiatrist prescribes a specific wound care treatment protocol for a patient, that prescription is first sent to iRemedy, which in turn:
    · Pre-qualifies and verifies reimbursement eligibility with the patient’s insurer;
    · Packs and ships the related supply order to the patient or podiatrist’s practice location;
    · Confirms delivery of order;
    · Creates the insurance claim to be submitted to the insurer by the podiatrist’s practice;
    · Confirms claim has been paid by the insurer

    Benefits enjoyed by the podiatry practice include elimination of on-site storage and up-front costs associated with purchasing wound care supply inventory; and turnkey support for easy, no hassle claims processing that is fast and accurate. Supply cost reimbursement involving advanced wound care will result in approximately $550, on average, being paid to the treating podiatry practice for each related patient encounter.

    Please see attached files for more information on iRemedy
    Please contact me at 585.704.3966 for more information.

    Attached Files:


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