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Fluoroquinolone induced tendinopathy

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by NewsBot, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    Fluoroquinolone-induced Achilles tendon rupture [Article in German]
    Maurin N.
    Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2008 Feb;133(6):241-4
  2. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

    Here is a rport from an Infectious Disease conference:

    Achilles Tendon Rupture After Use of Antibiotics
    Full article
  4. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Management of bilateral Achilles tendon rupture associated with ciprofloxacin: a review and case presentation.
    Akali AU, Niranjan NS
    J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2008 Jul;61(7):830-4
  5. jerseynurse

    jerseynurse Member

    In addition, due to the frequent reporting of tendinopathy after Fluoroquinolone use the FDA has included a "Black box"warning when prescribing these drugs.

    FDA ALERT [7/8/2008]: FDA is notifying the makers of fluoroquinolone antimicrobial drugs for systemic use of the need to add a boxed warning to the prescribing information about the increased risk of developing tendinitis and tendon rupture in patients taking fluoroquinolones and to develop a Medication Guide for patients. The addition of a boxed warning and a Medication Guide would strengthen the existing warning information already included in the prescribing information for fluoroquinolone drugs.

    Fluoroquinolones are associated with an increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture. This risk is further increased in those over age 60, in kidney, heart, and lung transplant recipients, and with use of concomitant steroid therapy. Physicians should advise patients, at the first sign of tendon pain, swelling, or inflammation, to stop taking the fluoroquinolone, to avoid exercise and use of the affected area, and to promptly contact their doctor about changing to a non-fluoroquinolone antimicrobial drug.

    Selection of a fluoroquinolone for the treatment or prevention of an infection should be limited to those conditions that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria.

    This information reflects FDA's current analysis of data available to FDA concerning fluoroquinolone antimicrobials. FDA intends to update this sheet when additional information or analyses become available.
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Death following bilateral complete Achilles tendon rupture in a patient on fluoroquinolone therapy: a case report.
    Gottschalk AW, Bachman JW.
    J Med Case Reports. 2009 Jan 6;3(1):1. [Epub ahead of print]
  7. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The Texas Record are reporting:
    Class action alleges antibiotic causes tendon damage
    Full story
  8. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Levofloxacin-Induced Achilles Tendinitis in a Young Adult in the Absence of Predisposing Conditions
    Areum Durey, Yong Soo Baek, Jin Seok Park, Kwangsoo Lee, Jeong-Seon Ryu, Jin-Soo Lee, and Moon-Hyun Cheong
    Yonsei Med J. 2010 May;51(3):454-456.
  9. NewsBot

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  10. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

  11. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Pharmacokinetic Prediction of Levofloxacin Accumulation in Tissue and Its Association to Tendinopathy
    Loan Pham, John M. Christensen2, Rosita Rodriguez-Proteau
    Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 2013, 4, 121-131
  12. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

  13. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Tendon Injury and Fluoroquinolone Use: A Systematic Review
    Anne L. Stephenson, Wei Wu, Daniel Cortes, Paula A. Rochon
    Drug Safety; July 2013
  14. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Bilateral rupture of the Achilles tendons after treatment with ciprofloxacin.
    Attarzadeh AP, Ryge C
    Ugeskrift for Laeger 2013, 175(39):2264-2265
  15. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Fluoroquinolones and Tendinopathy: A Guide for Athletes and Sports Clinicians and a Systematic Review of the Literature
    Trevor Lewis and Jill Cook
    Journal of Athletic Training In-Press. ONLINE AHEAD OF PRINT
  16. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Ciprofloxacin-Induced Tendinopathy of the Gluteal Tendons
    Kaumakaokalani Shimatsu MD, Somasundaram Subramaniam MD, Helen Sim MD, Paul Aronowitz MD
    Journal of General Internal Medicine; July 2014
  17. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Bilateral Achilles Tendon Ruptures Associated with Ciprofloxacin Use in the Setting of Minimal Change Disease: Case Report and Review of the Literature
    Firas Kawtharani, MD, Karim Z. Masrouha, MDemail, Nadim Afeiche, MD
    The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery; Articles in Press
  18. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    I see they also a risk factor for peripheral neuropathy. I was alerted to the study below via this lawyers website. Guess what they were touting for?

    Oral fluoroquinolone use and risk of peripheral neuropathy
    A pharmacoepidemiologic study

    Mahyar Etminan, PharmD, James M. Brophy, MD, PhD and Ali Samii, MD
    Neurology; August 22, 2014
  19. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Fluoroquinolone-Mediated Achilles Rupture: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
    Adam M. Budny, DPM, FACFAS, Alexis N. Ley, DPM, AACFAS
    The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery;Articles in Press
  20. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Fluoroquinolone-induced Achilles tendinitis
    PK Tam, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine); Carmen TK Ho, MB, BS, FHKAM (Medicine)
    Hong Kong Med J 2014 Dec;20(6):545–7
  21. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    To Cipro or Not to Cipro.
    Bilateral Achilles Ruptures with the Use of Quinolones

    Jay Seidel, Terry Clarke, and Bindu Mathew
    Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association: March 2015, Vol. 105, No. 2, pp. 185-188.
  22. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    “Levofloxacin induced bilateral achilles tendonitis”
    Muhammad Ishaq, Chand Sudham, Kumar Ajeet, Adnan Baig, Shaikh M. Ishaq
    Source (full text)
  23. NewsBot

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    Fluoroquinolones and collagen associated severe adverse events: a longitudinal cohort study
    Nick Daneman et al
    BMJ Open 2015;5:e010077 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010077
  24. NewsBot

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    Levofloxacin-associated bilateral Achilles’ tendon rupture, in patient with two secondary hip fractures
    P. Lopez Pardo et al
    European Geriatric Medicine; in press
  25. NewsBot

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  26. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    FDA News Release
    FDA updates warnings for fluoroquinolone antibiotics
    Limits use for acute bacterial sinusitis, acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and uncomplicated urinary tract infections
  27. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A Case-Based Approach to Evaluate the Potential Risks Associated with Fluoroquinolones and Steroids
    Nguyen, Timothy; Gelband, Karin
    The Consultant Pharmacist®, Volume 31, Number 11, November 2016, pp. 646-649(4)
  28. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A study of association of fluoroquinolones in tendinitis and associated complications.
    Jaiswal A, Khan MA.
    J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2017; 4(31), 1855-1858. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2017/362
  29. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Fluorquinolones and the Risk of Achilles Tendon Disorders: Update on a Neglected Complication.
    Godoy-Santos AL et al
    Urology. 2017 Oct 23. pii: S0090-4295(17)31100-7. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2017.10.017
  30. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Fluoroquinolone (Levofloxacin)
    Induced Tendinopathy with Partial Tearing of the
    Achilles Tendon -

    Sharma A, Baldi A, Sharma DK, Singh R,
    Anghore D
    J Clin Case Stu (2017)
  31. NewsBot

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  32. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The relative risk of Achilles tendon injury in patients taking quinolones
    Daniel C. Jupiter Xiao Fang Zachary Ashmore Naohiro Shibuya Hemalkumar B. Mehta
    Pharmacotherapy: 04 July 2018
  33. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Drug treatments associated with Achilles tendon rupture. A case‐control study involving 1118 Achilles tendon ruptures
    Timo Nyyssönen Iikka Lantto Peter Lüthje Tuomas Selander Heikki Kröger
    18 August 2018 https://doi.org/10.1111/sms.13281
  34. NewsBot

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    Relative and Absolute Risk of Tendon Rupture with Fluoroquinolone and Concomitant Fluoroquinolone/Corticosteroid Therapy: Population-Based Nested Case–Control Study
    Daniel R MoralesJim SlatteryAlexandra PacurariuLuis PinheiroPatricia McGettiganXavier Kurz
    Clinical Drug Investigation: 21 November 2018
  35. NewsBot

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  36. NewsBot

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    Cephalexin-associated Achilles Tendonitis: Case Report and Review of Drug-induced Tendinopathy
    Philip R. Cohen
    Cureus 10(12): e3783. doi:10.7759/cureus.3783
  37. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Bilateral Levofloxacin-Induced Achilles Tendon Rupture: An Uncommon Case Report and Review of the Literature
    Marcos Edgar Fernández-Cuadros, Luz Otilia Casique-Bocanegra, María Jesús Albaladejo-Florín, ...
    Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders March 5, 2019
  38. NewsBot

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    Association Between Peripheral Neuropathy and Exposure to Oral Fluoroquinolone or Amoxicillin-Clavulanate Therapy
    Daniel Morales et al
    JAMA Neurol. April 29, 2019
  39. NewsBot

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    Fluoroquinolone Use and the Risk of Collagen-Associated Adverse Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Xinyu YuDing-sheng JiangJing WangRui WangTaiqiang ChenKan WangShiyi CaoEmail authorXiang Wei
    Drug Safety: 10 May 2019
  40. NewsBot

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    Tendon Rupture as a Probable Side Effect of Ciprofloxacin: A Review
    Nazanin Foroutan
    Adv Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 8:1. doi:

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