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Fusion Versus Excision of the Symptomatic Type II Accessory Navicular

Discussion in 'Foot Surgery' started by NewsBot, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    Fusion Versus Excision of the Symptomatic Type II Accessory Navicular: A Prospective Study.
    Scott AT, Sabesan VJ, Saluta JR, Wilson MA, Easley ME.
    Foot Ankle Int. 2009 Jan;30(1):10-5.
  2. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Surgical treatment of the accessory navicular syndrome with simple excision
    Chi LT, Li C, Zhang D, Li Z, Huang B, Zhang TJ, Yu M, Wang PX.
    Zhongguo Gu Shang. 2009 Dec;22(12):933-4.
  3. drsarbes

    drsarbes Well-Known Member

    The question is "why do we want to leave an accessory Navicular?"

    Does anyone have a logical reason for this?

  4. Steve:

    Because no one has ever published a paper before where they screwed the two together? You know how those surgeons are......not happy with only 20 ways to do a bunionectomy....they want their name on the 21st way to do a bunionectomy.:drinks
  5. drsarbes

    drsarbes Well-Known Member


    Very good point!

    Not being an academic I forget that parallel universe out there!


    BTW: Kevin - this obviously won't make YOU as happy as it made ME, but, I was able to GOLF last week in St Thomas and the achilles felt pretty good!
  6. Steve:

    Good news! Probably just starting to appreciate the benefits of having that surgical repair just about now? If I was you, I would probably avoid the racketball for awhile.:drinks
  7. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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