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Introduction and Query

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Amelia Watson, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. Amelia Watson

    Amelia Watson Welcome New Poster

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    I would like to introduce myself. My name is Amelia and I am a first year Podiatric Medicine student in NSW.
    I am a mature age student and mum to two young monsters. Prior to commencing this degree, I was studying Law at UNSW. After much consideration, I realised that my true passion was in health care. I am in the process of looking to relocate to regional Australia to commence 2nd year study (at a different institution). Due to the restrictions brought about by COVID-19, I have been unable to participate in a clinical setting at university. I am seeking to spend some time "shadowing" a podiatrist in order to learn some clinical steps that will be assessed in order to progress my application.

    I am unsure as to what the requirements are to essentially do work experience. I know that NSW Health requires documentation in order to do practical placements. However, I assume this is because I may be directly interacting and potentially touching patients.

    If a helpful someone could please share your wisdom and experience in this area, I would greatly appreciate it!

    Looking forward to better understanding this rewarding and crucial profession!

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