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Kevin Kirby Q & A for Manchester Biomechanics Summer School

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Kevin Kirby, May 6, 2011.

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    Langer Orthotic Labs asked me a series of questions that I answered in preparation for their Biomechanics Summer School in Manchester next month, in June 2011.


  2. Mine here:
    What first got you interested in being a podiatrist?
    When I took my o-level options I wanted to be a draftsman. When I got to finishing my o-levels we had careers interviews at school, I was informed by the careers teacher that "there wouldn't be any draftsmen in the future because it would all be done by computers, think of something else to do". Keep in mind that his was in the Midlands, at the time when the British car industry was on strike (almost constantly), and at time when robots were replacing people on the production lines in Britain's industrial heartland. History shows that the careers teacher was only partially right. That is, design now occurs upon computers, but there are still people operating them.

    So, my ambitions of being a draftsman dashed, I took A levels in chemistry, physics and biology without any real idea of what I was going to do for a career. I was all set to study chemistry with energy studies at degree level, when I flipped open a book and read about chiropody. I put chiropody at Brighton as my clearance option on my UCCA (now UCAS) form, simply because I couldn't think of what else to put. I got a letter from the "Sussex School of Chiropody" thanking me for adding them as my clearance option, but pointing out that since the course was at diploma level at the time, it did not fall within the clearance system (at least that's what I recall). They suggested that I come and take a look at what they had to offer.

    I was in the area for a chemistry interview on the date they were suggesting anyway, so I went along for a look around and an interview. I decided at that time that I wanted to study chiropody rather than chemistry. When I got back to school and told my chemistry teacher of my decision, he told me that "I was making a big mistake"... He was wrong, I made the right choice.

    What podiatrist did you look up to the most during your early podiatric education and practice? Why?
    Initially, Mike Potter, who was my warden in halls because he seemed smarter than the average teacher of chiropodists. Then: Tim Kilmartin because here was a man who could operate two slide projectors simultaneously, was studying for his own PhD, supervising mine and was publishing like it was going out of fashion. Then I read Dr. Kirby's work, eventually got to meet him, work with him... the rest as they say... Kevin has been my friend and mentor for many years now, he's very inspirational and a great teacher.

    Do you expect custom foot orthoses to become more or less popular in the next 20 years? Why?
    Good question. The simple answer being: it all depends on what we learn about how foot orthoses work in the next 20 years. With the increasing permutations of the available prefabricated devices, practitioners will be able to select from a range of off-the-shelf devices which will prove efficacious for a large proportion of their patients. However, there will always be those which won't fit with the prefabricated library available to the the practitioner and who will require custom devices. I expect that foot orthoses in the next 20 years will become less "inert" and more "active" , but ask me again in 20 years...
  3. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    hmmmm... my answers to the same q's are not there :-(
  4. BEN-HUR

    BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    I for one would certainly like to see them.

    Interesting views in regard to custom orthotics Kevin.
  5. Phil Morris

    Phil Morris Member

    Very Sorry about this Craig,

    I spotted this post and instantly chased up your answers off sam. Just looking for a photo now so that the section is finalised.

    Craigs answers can be found herehttp://langergrp.com/craig-payne-questions-ezp-58.html

    once again sorry for the delay

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