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Natural Running Specialist

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by diazhp, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. diazhp

    diazhp Welcome New Poster

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    Hello everyone, I have a training facility in Camarillo California, in where our focus is heavily tuned to running mechanics.
    Over the past 5 years we have been performing gait analysis on runners of all ages, many who have come to us as a result of one or various nagging injuries resultant from poor running mechanics.
    We have adopted a strong position in favor of mid foot running as opposed to heel striking and in so doing, we have taught many people how to achieve this transition with in excess of a 75% success rate, meaning, a drastic reduction in the injuries for which they sought us out.
    We also provide what we refer to as dynamic video analysis and bike fitting for cyclists and have found that through identification of foot contact angle (varus vs valgus) and deployment of appropriate fore foot wedging, again we are able to reduce rotational torque at the knee.
    The reason I am here is because I have a strong desire to learn as much as I can about the potential to diffuse much of rotational influences that seem to manifest from ground force contact through fore foot wedging.

    I would appreciate any and all feed back or commentary, thank you.:hammer:
  2. Heather J Bassett

    Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Welcome Diahzp! There are many clinics such as yours. Interesting that they are run by different health professionals. What is your background? Biomechanist?? Physiotherapist?

    I have no doubt that your input will be intersting. I look forward to your addition to the forum.


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