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New Member Introduction

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Selena Thomas, Jul 10, 2024.

  1. Selena Thomas

    Selena Thomas Welcome New Poster

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Hi everyone,

    I am new to this forum and excited to be here.
    I’m looking forward to learning more about podiatry and connecting with others who share the same interest.
    I've recently come across some interesting devices that monitor plantar pressures and temperature, and I'm eager to read any research available on these.
    Could someone please guide me on how to ask questions here ?
    Where should I post if I have a query ?

    Looking forward to your advice and connecting with you all.

  2. Gro

    Gro Welcome New Poster

    Hi everyone I'm new in to the forum I'm qualified Podiatrist I'm currently not practicing, since I am working with a sponsor to fund me to start a private practice and render services into Military. So yeah and same time if there is a job opportunity please let me know I would like to go for it. I'm willing to learn and apply my theory when I start to practice.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  3. Achilles39!

    Achilles39! Welcome New Poster

    I'm new to the Forum as well.

    I am a little more than 1 year out in practice post residency.

    I was hoping to utilize this forum as a way to address matters regarding certain podiatry topics that are normally not available for discussion.
  4. Jalahooldus

    Jalahooldus Member

    Hi, new to the forum:)

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