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Sagittal Plane Theory and Plantar Fasciitis

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by ukpodstudent, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. ukpodstudent

    ukpodstudent Member

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    Hi Everyone,

    This is my first post on the website, I'm in dire need of some help please!
    I'm a 2nd year Podiatry student and I've struggled to understand the different biomechanical theories since year one. I have now been asked to write a presentation and I am well and truly stuck lol.

    My remit is to compare and contrast Dananberg's theory and Root's Theory in relation to plantar fasciitis. Our lectures have always centred on Root theory so I'm a complete novice when it comes to Dananberg and everything I find on the net is too advanced for me to get my head around.

    Could anyone recommend a good text/website/journal etc that would explain Dananbergs thoughts on plantar fasciitis? Any help would be greatly appreciated and hopefully when Im done I'll understand a little bit more about biomech...I hope!

    Many thanks in advance
  2. ukpodstudent

    ukpodstudent Member

    Thank you very much for your reply I'll send him a message and see!

    Thanks again

  3. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    Think about it this way ....what causes plantar fasciitis? There is only one thing, and that is too much load in the plantar fascia beyond which the tissues can tolerate.

    So then consider how abnormal function under both the Root theory and Sagittal theory would contribute to that load.

    Check some of the discussion here: Clinical biomechanical theories
  4. ukpodstudent

    ukpodstudent Member

    im reading through the clinical biomech theories section now, thank you for that
  5. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    I have most of Howard's articles and like Simon I'm pretty sure he has not published anything relating his theory of foot function with plantar fascia pathology.

    Here are some of his papers for you to digest:
  6. ukpodstudent

    ukpodstudent Member

    I was starting to think I was just dumb to be honest so Im pleased to hear that I was looking for something that doesnt exist lol. Thank you sooo much for listing his articles that is a massive help to me I really appreciate that.
  7. David Smith

    David Smith Well-Known Member

    Here's one for you
  8. Dananberg

    Dananberg Active Member

    I have not specifically done any study regarding sagittal plane theory and plantar fasciitis. I have lectured about the following concept. During the heel lift segment of any step, the foot is designed to shorten, ie, the heel moves towards the forefoot. This decreases the radial distance the heel must move during the step. When Functional hallux limitus exists, and compensation occurs across the midfoot, the foot instead lengthens during this same phase of the step. It is this lengthening which stresses the plantar fascia’s origin on the inferior calcaneus and promotes pain at this location. It is also why low dye taping can be so effective in temporary relief of plantar fascia pain as the retention strips actually prevent this elongation from occurring.
  9. ukpodstudent

    ukpodstudent Member

    thank you very much for taking the time to explain that Im extremely grateful for your help

  10. I think Paul Harradine discusses sagittal plane treatment of plantar fasciitis in this paper
    Paul Harradine and Lawrence Bevan
    A Review of the Theoretical Unified Approach to Podiatric Biomechanics in Relation to Foot Orthoses Therapy
    J. Am. Podiatr. Med. Assoc. 2009 99:317-322
    peter mccloskey
  11. kirstyboyd89

    kirstyboyd89 Member

    hi fiona

    i just graduated in june and i also found grasping different theories difficult. for me danenberg theory focuses on kinetic movement and loading ensuring fluent locomotion. root on the other hand often goes back to deviations from the 'norm'. also a heads up for you, there was a question comparing kirby, root and danenberg theories for my 3rd yr exam. :)

    all the best

    kirsty :)

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