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Podiatrist treats Binyamin Netanyahu

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by Cameron, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

  2. Richard Stess

    Richard Stess Member

    Eli London, DPM is an Israeli podiatrist. He graduated from the California College of Podiatric Medicinen in San Francisco and then performed a one year residency at the VA Medical Center in San Francisco. Following his post doctoral training he did an additional year of training at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem under the auspices of the American Physcians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel . Following his training at Hadassah Hospital he was appointed to the Orthopedic department as the first salaried podiatrist at Hadassah Hospital.
  3. Allyson Fried

    Allyson Fried Welcome New Poster

    I am looking to make Aliya ASAP. My name is Allyson Fried, MD,DPM, Ph.D. I am both an M.D. and a board certified Foot and Ankle surgeon, boarded by The American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery in rear foot and ankle surgery, a Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. As you can see, I am a special Podiatrist, going back to get my M.D. degree, receiving that in 2015. There are only 5 Podiatrists in the USA that have double degrees and I am the only female.I have published many articles in both Podiatric literature as well as in allopathic medical journals. I was named Humanitarian of the Year Award in 1995 by the California Podiatric Medical Society for my work in The Baja Project for surgical treatment of clubfoot deformities. I also wrote a chapter in Advances in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery on adult Clubfoot Surgical Repair, published in 1996. I have been on the CBS Morning Show twice about my volunteer work in Mexico for over a 13 year period. I am now the head of the Podiatry Department at the Men's Central Jail in Los Angeles California. I want to leave the USA because I want to live in Israel and leave a country that is becoming more Anti-Semitic and anti-Israel by the day. I love Israel and my daughter lived in Har Nof and is also getting ready to return after getting a graduate degree in Abnormal Child Psychology to help Israeli and American children living in Israel with PTSD from bombings. I am willing to live anywhere there are positions available. My preference is Rachivia in Yirushalaim. I have many friends and relatives living in Israel and that is where my heart is and always will be. If anyone knows of an available position, B'vakasha, please let me know. Dr. Richard Jaffe is very familiar with my work. He is on Ben Yehuda in the City Tower 34 if you would like to contact him.

    Toda Raba,
    Allyson (Bracha Etta) Fried MD,DPM,Ph.D

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