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Podiatry job in Hamilton, New Zealand

Discussion in 'Employment in New Zealand' started by Kate Caetano, Sep 8, 2024.

  1. Kate Caetano

    Kate Caetano Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Salary range based on experience: $60,000 - $85,000 + benefits

    Are you looking for an exciting new challenge?
    We have an opportunity for someone to partner with us as we continue to grow our team in the Waikato.

    Ripple Podiatry is a busy family business with two prominent locations in Hamilton. Our main clinic has a Studio gym, spacious clinic rooms, shockwave and receptionist.
    We see a variety of clients (80% Biomechanics and ACC) ranging from ACC injury, post-operative and sports to complex pain and a small amount of general care. You will be able to learn about back, leg and ankle brace and orthoses, well as neuro rehabilitation.

    Your APC and Indemnity insurance will be covered along with a competitive salary.
    You will receive mentoring as well as an annual professional development budget.
    We value education and continuous improvement so we can provide the best holistic patient centred care in the Waikato.

    Ideal candidates will demonstrate:
    - Good anatomy & biomechanical knowledge
    - Self-motivation
    - Friendly and have good rapport with their patients
    - Desire to offer their patients well rounded treatment options
    - Willing to work with other healthcare professionals
    - Passionate about improving people lives
    - A team player who enjoys a laugh and having fun
    - At least a BHSc in Podiatry
    - NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa.

    We are a growing company who value excellence and a good work ethic but also believe in work life balance and familylife. The role can be tailored to you with flexible work hours.
    If you want a change that takes you to new levels, investing in your career and growth, we would love to hear from you!
    Send in your CV to admin@ripplepod.co.nz

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