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Rocker sole shoe in diabetes may increase risk for falls.

Discussion in 'Diabetic Foot & Wound Management' started by NewsBot, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. efuller

    efuller MVP

    You made the claims. Now explain how the device makes those things, that you claimed, happen.

    If you want to mail me some free of charge contact me privately.
  2. Dr. Steven King

    Dr. Steven King Well-Known Member

    I appleagize David,
    You may be correct about my knowledge of the old ways.
    "l cant believe how little you really know about footwear...and l mean the basics."
    Ill have a talk with my pedorthics instructors at Northwestern U. and at the Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine in Chicago about this.
    I am sure they will appreciate your input on the education i received there.

    Thank you yes i can send you a set of our tech.
    If you send them back when you are done kicking them around.
    Unfortunately I don't give out "free pairs" it lessens the value of the product keep them until you reverse engineer them and MAKE YOUR OWN PAIR.

    Foot sizes?
    Arch Types?
    Body Mass?
    Really i do need your body mass because i can change the spring plate strength and pivot locations and pivot heights to manage peak impulse and alot of other aspects of ground contact, that i cannot do with foam systems. Do you have any obvious pathology we need to compensate for?

    I appreciate this hot topic and grilling of this technology and please understand that i would not be so bold with 2 highly respected individuals as yourselves unless i truly believed we could save lives and limbs with this innovation.

    So call me guilty of having a one track mind for this.
    I don't have much to add about how warts and ingrown nails are cut and cured.


    Ignoring Initiates Ignorance
  3. Petcu Daniel

    Petcu Daniel Well-Known Member

    Orthopedic footwear is a medical device. The standard ISO 9999 - Assistive products for persons with disability -- Classification and terminology ( http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=50982 ) is including it in the class of "orthoses and prostheses" as an othotic device, providing clear definitions. When orthopedic footwear is "custom-made" it is based on a medical prescription (this was discussed on http://podiatryarena.com/index.php?...oot-orthoses-prescription.108078/#post-381306 ). In my understanding "orthopedic footwear" has the same meaning with "medical grade footwear - MGF" from Australia

    Any type of shoe should be comfortable but this doesn't mean that any comfortable shoe is a medical device!

    Hope this helps,
  4. Dr. Steven King

    Dr. Steven King Well-Known Member

    Aloha Daniel,
    This helps some.
    It probably helps more when we are trying to convince third party payors to fund our solutions for our patients-customers.
    But if we dig deeper and consider footwear from the side of science then what pair of shoes DOES NOT influence gait or the way we contact the Earth?
    Example Experment.
    Would strip of thick duct tape placed on the sole of a foot change the orthopedics and kinetics of ambulation?
    -when walking over sharp gravel?
    - when walking over a hot surface?
    - when walking on slick ice?

    You may find that duct tape compared to the control (bare foot) has an influence on ground contact.

    Now is duct tape a shoe?

    Since it changed the way we walk is it orthopedic?

    All shoes and devices placed on feet for desired results are orthotics and thus orthopedic.

    Just don't try to get your national health insurance to cover duct tape therapy.

    Yet they will cover taping and low dye strapping with athletic tape. So unfair to duct tape.

    A hui hou,
  5. Orthofootwear

    Orthofootwear Member

    Steve, thanks.

    I just started my career in shoemaking last year, and no one taught me, so I basically learn about leather, sole. Design is still a difficult sector.

    The manufacturers I know mostly are using EVA, PU foams, Latex, PVC, and glue with odor.
  6. Orthofootwear

    Orthofootwear Member


    I remember some customers from the States, or Costa Rica once asked me if the diabetic shoes are FDA certified.

    Good weekend and talk to you soon!
  7. Boots n all

    Boots n all Well-Known Member

    Nothing to do with "the old days", facts are facts.
    Toe spring is still Toe spring and Heel pitch is still heel pitch and all of these are part of the Last design, not the shoe. As is a rocker sole part of or modification to the sole.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
  8. Orthofootwear

    Orthofootwear Member

    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for your comment, it helps. And then I thought of another question:if I put two pairs of walking boot, one is Drew, the other is Clarks, how can you tell which one is orthopedic shoes(medical grade footwear), which one is not?

  9. Orthofootwear

    Orthofootwear Member

    Hi David,

    Absolutely, toe spring and heel pitch are part of the Last design. BTW, I recommend you to Sayed.

    Ah, one more question:do you know the making process of crepe sole?

    As always, thanks for your time.

  10. Boots n all

    Boots n all Well-Known Member

    Crepe soles are not used very often, they are heavy, expensive and quite slippery in the wet and one of the worse materials to grind.
    As the crepe is ground away, the the material sticks together, blocking up the extraction system and sticks to you, the worst job as an apprentice.

    On the up side it sticks well as a sole the the upper
  11. Orthofootwear

    Orthofootwear Member

    Hope one day I can be your apprentice, I don't mind how much sweat that needs as long as can learn about shoemaking.
  12. Petcu Daniel

    Petcu Daniel Well-Known Member

    If you'll read the ISO standard you'll have the answer!

    I don't believe this because we are discussing about orthopedic footwear as medical device. When the performance shoul be improved in the absence of a medical condition you don' need orthopedic footwear! This is my understanding!
  13. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Optimisation of rocker sole footwear for prevention of first plantar ulcer: comparison of group-optimised and individually-selected footwear designs
    Stephen J. Preece, Jonathan D. Chapman, Bjoern Braunstein, Gert-Peter Brüggemann and Christopher J. Nester
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 201710:27
  14. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effects of flexible and rigid rocker profiles on in-shoe pressure.
    Reints R et al
    Gait Posture. 2017 Aug 12;58:287-293. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.08.00
  15. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Clinical efficacy of therapeutic footwear with a rigid rocker sole in the prevention of recurrence in patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polineuropathy: A randomized clinical trial.
    López-Moral M et al
    PLoS One. 2019 Jul 11;14(7):e0219537
  16. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The effect of toe-only rocker sole shoes on gait variability of the elderly
    Mohammad Taghi Karimi et al
    Med Biol Eng Comput . 2022 Jun 20
  17. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effects of individually optimized rocker midsoles and self-adjusting insoles on plantar pressure in persons with diabetes mellitus and loss of protective sensation
    A Malki et al
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2023 Dec 26
  18. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effects of individually optimized rocker midsoles and self-adjusting insoles on dynamic stability in persons with diabetes mellitus and neuropathy
    A Malki et al
    Gait Posture. 2024 May 14:112:154-158
  19. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Barefoot pressure distribution of diabetic patients and non-diabetic volunteer subjects after sensorimotor training with an unstable shoe construction
    M Maetzler et al
    The Foot; 1 June 2024, 102102
  20. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Barefoot pressure distribution of diabetic patients and non-diabetic volunteer subjects after sensorimotor training with an unstable shoe construction
    M Maetzler et al
    Foot (Edinb). 2024 Jun 1:
  21. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effects of individually optimized rocker midsoles and self-adjusting insoles on the margins of stability in individuals with diabetic peripheral neuropathy
    Athra Malki et al
    Gait & Posture; Volume 113, Supplement 1, September 2024, Pages 92-93


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