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The latest on gout

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by Admin2, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. NewsBot

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    Health disparities in gout
    Lindsay N Helget, Ted R Mikuls
    Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2023 Dec 26
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    Association between asymptomatic hyperuricemia and risk of arthritis, findings from a US National Survey 2007-2018
    Zhenguo Liang et al
    BMJ Open. 2024 Feb 12;14(2):e074391
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    Comparative Effectiveness of Allopurinol and Febuxostat in Gout Management
    NEJM Evid. 2022 Aug;1(8)
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    Is lactic acid a misunderstood trigger of gout attack for a century?
    Yonghai Liu et al
    Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2024 Apr 10
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    Interest in daily clinical practice of screening for gouty disease in patients with psoriatic arthritis
    Vanessa Moukarzel et al
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    Distinct characteristics of the gut virome in patients with osteoarthritis and gouty arthritis
    Chang-Ming Chen et al
    J Transl Med. 2024 Jun 13;22(1):564.
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    Estimation of Hair Toxic and Essential Trace Element and Mineral Profiles of Patients with Chronic Gout
    Anatoly V Skalny et al
    Biol Trace Elem Res. 2024 Jun 22
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    Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of gouty arthritis in the general population aged > 30
    Min Zhao et al
    BMC Med Educ. 2024 Jul 19;24(1):775
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    Risk of incident gout following exposure to recombinant zoster vaccine in US adults aged ≥50 years
    Chengchen Zhang et al
    Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2024 Jul 15
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    Asymptomatic hyperuricemia: to treat or not a threat? A clinical and evidence-based approach to the management of hyperuricemia in the context of cardiovascular diseases
    Emiliano Fiori et al
    J Hypertens. 2024 Jul 11.
  12. NewsBot

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    Hyperuricemia - consequences of not initiating therapy. Benefits and drawbacks of treatment
    Igor Domański et al
    Reumatologia. 2024;62(3):207-213
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    Patient Experience with Chronic Refractory Gout and Its Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life: Literature Review and Qualitative Analysis
    Vibeke Strand et al
    Rheumatol Ther. 2024 Aug 5
  14. NewsBot

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    Short-term risk of cardiovascular events in people newly diagnosed with gout
    Edoardo Cipolletta et al
    Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024 Sep 15
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    Effects of dietary factors on hyperuricaemia and gout: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
    Xi Chi,Yangyang Cen,Bowen Yang,Huanzhen Zhang,Zhiyu Pu,Jing Feng,
    International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition: 17 Sep 2024
  16. NewsBot

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    News Release 15-Oct-2024
    Study busts myths about cause of gout
    A major international study has found gout is a chronic illness where genetics is a major cause, rather than lifestyle choices of the sufferer.

    Led by University of Otago researchers, the genome-wide association study, published in Nature Genetics, analysed the genetic information of 2.6 million people.

    Researchers analysed amalgamated DNA data sets from around the world. About three quarters of the data was from customers of 23andMe, Inc, a direct-to-consumer genetics and preventative health company, who consented to participate in research.

    They found inherited genetics is an important part of why some people get gout and most others don’t.

    Senior author Professor Tony Merriman, of Otago’s Department of Microbiology and Immunology, hopes the findings will remove some of the stigma around gout.

    “Gout is a chronic disease with a genetic basis and is not the fault of the sufferer – the myth that gout is caused by lifestyle or diet needs to be busted.

    “This widespread myth causes shame in people with gout, making some people more likely to suffer in silence and not go and see the doctor to get a preventive drug that lowers urate in the blood and will prevent their pain.

    “People need to understand that while specific dietary factors, such as eating red meat, can trigger gout attacks, the fundamental cause is high urate levels, crystals in the joints, and an immune system primed to ‘attack’ the crystals – genetics plays an important role in all of these processes.”

    The research identified a large number of immune genes and immune pathways that provide new targets and approaches for preventing gout attacks.

    Professor Merriman hopes these findings will lead to improved treatment for gout sufferers.

    “We hope that, in time, better and more accessible treatments will become available with the new targets we identified,” he says.

    One such option could be the repurposing of a drug used to treat a range of other immune-related diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis – tocilizumab targets a receptor for an immune signaller, interleukin-6, which the research identified as a new gene for gout.

    “Gout deserves more health spend resource and greater prioritisation in the health system.”
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    Determinants of self-management behavior in gout: a scoping review
    Jeffrey van der Ven et al
    Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2024 Oct 17.
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    Support needs of gout patients and suitability of eHealth to address these needs
    Jeffrey van der Ven et al
    Rheumatol Adv Pract. 2024 Oct 4;8(4)
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    Exploring genetic links between blood metabolites and gout susceptibility
    Wenxing Zeng et al
    Clin Rheumatol. 2024 Oct 29
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    Gout Flare Burden in the United States: A Multiyear Cross-Sectional Survey Study
    Jasvinder A Singh et al
    ACR Open Rheumatol. 2024 Nov 5
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    Regulating Lipid Metabolism in Gout: A New Perspective with Therapeutic Potential
    Xianheng Zhang, Jian Liu
    Int J Gen Med. 2024 Nov 12:17:5203-5217
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    Allopurinol Adherence in US Patients With Gout: Analysis of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2018-2021
    Kevin R Riggs, Joshua S Richman, Andrea L Cherrington, Jasvinder A Singh
    J Clin Rheumatol. 2024 Nov 25
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    Optimizing Gout Treatment: A Comprehensive Review of Current and Emerging Uricosurics
    Dan Kaufmann et al
    Joint Bone Spine. 2024 Nov 30:105826

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