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  1. zenjudo Active Member

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    under what circumstances do we use cryosurgery or salicylic for various types of verruca (e.g. mosaic or singular)? Does one have any advantages over the other? Any pros and cons about each method?


  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    I use often use both concurrently. Patient applies sal acid (Duofilm) daily --> destroy tissue AND increases mositure content --> then zap all that extra moisture with the cryo unit --> more tissue destruction. ...

  3. Certainly works Craig, although sometimes the macceration caused by the sal acid can mask the ice-ball formation making it difficult to gauge freeze cycles (unless of course you're using thermocouples). Steeping the feet in warm water for 10 minutes beforehand works just as well.
  4. kirsten Member

    Mark are you saying that you steep the feet instead of the sal acid or just prior to freezing after the use of sal. acid? Craig, how often and for how long do you have them applying Duofilm?
  5. Craig Payne Moderator

    Duofilm daily; freeze them every 2 weeks
  6. emoclew Member

    I am currently tx a pt with a huge plantar wart, using a combination of cryo and duofilm. Originally I had him using it every day, but it did end up looking like a big macerated heap. After last visit I had him apply it every 2nd day and when he returned it looked a lot better. I have been seeing him for a month, frezzing every 2 weeks and it is now about a 1/4 of the size and not painful. I'd definately a fan of combing the 2 treatments.
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