< Runcorn , Cheshire - Part-time self employed Podiatrist position | Podiatry Position - Full Time - Chesterfield >
  1. Diana Rogers Welcome New Poster

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    We are looking for foot health practitioners, or those with a pedicure or care assistant qualification that includes toe nail cutting and foot care.. We are particularly keen to find people with a commitment to working in community settings, and have knowledge of the local community in Hackney.
    What we can offer you
    We are hoping to roll out a toe nail cutting service in Hackney for people who are struggling to manage this for themselves, whether through age, disability, poor eyesight or other reasons. We have funding to run 4 monthly clinics in venues used by people who are either homeless or at risk of homelessness, and in the first place, once you are trained, we would offer you the work at one of these clinics. We pay £30 per hour, and it would be a monthly 4 hour session for 1 year. We cannot promise more work, but we have 2 other foot care clinics set up, and are building up a bank of practitioners with the intention of expanding the roles.
    We offer you training with the local NHS on how to identify foot conditions that should be referred to podiatry services, and how to practice safely.
    If you would like to apply
    You will need to be prepared to be employed on a freelance basis, to have your own insurance, and a qualification in foot health, pedicure or healthcare that includes toe nail cutting and foot care.
    Hoxton Health is a complementary health charity, based in St Leonard's hospital in Hackney for the last 30 years. We fundraise to subsidise treatments particularly for older people. We offer acupuncture, osteopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy massage, homeopathy, herbal medicine, shiatsu and craniosacral therapy as well as foot care treatments. We are a very friendly organisation with our roots in the local community.
    If you think you might be interested, please feel free to email or call to arrange a chat to see if you think the role would suit you. Or email us telling us how you think you fit the role.
  2. Diana Rogers Welcome New Poster

< Runcorn , Cheshire - Part-time self employed Podiatrist position | Podiatry Position - Full Time - Chesterfield >

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