< Hello | 2nd year podiatry student, county duram, england >
  1. Elisa6 Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, my name is Nancy and I have been working as a foot care nurse since 1982, learning lots as I go along. I work in a mental health facility full time, with half of the shifts being dedicated to advanced foot and wound care. I also have community clinics where I provide foot care for the public (we don't have a podiatrist within 60 km) and have a large geriatric clientele who don't travel. The local physicians are seemingly happy with my work and I receive referrals from them. My interests are in correction and pain reduction, and I am continually taking what courses I can, either in person or online, to keep my knowledge current and pertinent. I joined on here to find help and verification for problems that I run into, and concurrence for treatments I have provided, and thus far, this site is great! Please keep up all the timely info that I have needed. Messy to pick brains but .....!
< Hello | 2nd year podiatry student, county duram, england >
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