< Had lisfranc surgery several years ago, having a lot of pain again, no new trauma | Bone marrow edema AFTER fracture heals? >
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    Morning everyone,

    I am new here but just had a question about the appointment I had yesterday. I have had pain at the base of my big toe/ball of my foot for a few months. At one point, it was quite painful to walk (I assumed it was turf toe from Horseback riding). I decided to wait over the weekend to make an appointment and by Monday the pain had mostly subsided. Since then (almost 2 months ago), the pain randomly occurs. It has not been severe, just a twinge now and then (if I wear...

    Hallux Limitus Diagnosis

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< Had lisfranc surgery several years ago, having a lot of pain again, no new trauma | Bone marrow edema AFTER fracture heals? >

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