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  1. csal0013 Welcome New Poster

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    My name is Claire and I'm a Podiatry student. I was wondering if anyone could help me by suggesting any title for my thesis. I was thinking about something related to hypermobility... Any suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks.
  2. Craig Payne Moderator


    How about "Why podiatry got it wrong in the way it understood hypermobility"?
  3. csal0013 Welcome New Poster

    What podiatrists understand by hypermobility?
    Podiatric definition i found it to be "Movement of a segment or part which should be fixed and stable when stress is applied". While in orthopaedics: "Unusual flexibility of the joints, allowing them to be bent or moved beyond their normal range of motion".
    Don't they have the same meaning?
  4. Griff Moderator

  5. Craig Payne Moderator


    One defn means a part is moving when it should not be moving (that has NOTHING to do with range of motion). The other has everything to do with range of motion.

    As Ian says, move on from hypermobility ... stiffness is more important (ie the force required to produce a certain range of motion)
< Newbie | Keep the Legs You Stand On >

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