< Pressure Mapping/Gait Analysis Products | G'day Podiatry Arena >
  1. T.Dinh Welcome New Poster

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    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a podiatry student from Australia and its so exciting to find a website/forum for fellow podiatrist. I'm not sure if the reason for difficulty for finding reputable sites for podiatry is because I'm just a first year student and have little experience or because there just isn't a lot out there.

    If you guys know any good reputable podiatry sites (especially educational/referencing ones) could you let me in and let me know of them?

    Anyway so excited about this. Can't wait until I finish the degree and get started! :boxing:

    T.Dinh :D
< Pressure Mapping/Gait Analysis Products | G'day Podiatry Arena >

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