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  1. RussAgg Active Member

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    Has anyone had any experience using listerine for fungal nail infections?
    I can't find any good research to support its use, only anecdotal stuff.
    Thanks, Russ.
  2. John Spina Active Member

    I have not seen anything,evidence wise,to correlate clinical success with this treatment.That being said,it cannot hurt.
  3. RussAgg Active Member

    OK John, thanks for your response.
  4. DaVinci Well-Known Member

    Why does it seem to me that Podiatry seems more likely than other professions to grasp at these silly, crankpot and unsupported ideas than other professions?

    When there is so much data and support for other onychomycosis therapies, why even consider using listerine?
  5. pillbox Welcome New Poster

    i looked at my listerine bottle and it doesnt contain any antifungal ingredients.
    it contains a lot of alchohol, they would certainly have clean toenails
  6. Jbwheele Active Member

    At least your feet would smell good !

  7. :l have a patient with long standing onychomycosis who does not wish topical and or oral therapy but his wife insisted he used Listeren mouth wash (something she read in a newspaper!) Sure his feet smell great but no change in his nail dystrophy! Ah, so much for evidence based practice when the wife knows best.

    Lesley Sutherland
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2007
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