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  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    Queery from a GP - do pods ever use nerve conduction testing ?

    What say you?
  2. LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member

    Of course, when indicated.

    However the usual issue (in Australia) is that this is a specialist (neurologist) procedure and requires a medical referral to be a covered service.:bang:

    However, as opposed to the relatively 'successful' use of NCS in the upper extremity, foot (particularly plantar nerve) assessments can be unreliable due to increased plantar skin thickness IMHO.

    I feel that's why I regularly see "classic" tarsal tunnel NCS assessments coming back as normal. Which is bloody frustrating.

< Diabetic Limb Salvage - Online presentations and surgical cases | Reliability of the 10 g monofilament >

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