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  1. FeetGeek Member

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    I'm interested to know the patient demographics of other practitioners clinics?What percentage of your patients are seniors? (over, say, 65 yo?)
  2. Stuart Blyth Active Member


    Patient demographics are dependent on several issues that will alter from practice to practice.
    For example

    Is your practice located in an area that has a high percentage of older people or is it a younger area. Since patients will tend to look at a practice either close to work or home you are pretty well stuck with this group of people.

    One thing you can manipulate easily is your price point, charge more and your patient demographic will change, for example charge pensioners $ 35.00 and you will have a lot of pensioners! Charge them $55.00 and watch those pensioners drop off!

    The third point would be, who are you marketing to? are you using mediums the age group you want use? There's not much point advertising at the local senior citizens hall if you want more kids in your practice.

    Its up to you to tailor your patient demographic to suit you.


    Stuart Blyth
  3. Anne McLean Active Member

    In my last practice sixty-five per cent of my patients were over 70 years, twenty five percent were between 18 and 69 years and ten per cent were children.

    I now feel that I have just about the ideal mix. Thirty five percent of my patients are over 60. Thirty one percent are between 20 and 59 years and Thirty four percent are children or young adults under the age of 19 years

    I feel that this is not solely due to the population in both areas that I have built up a practice. The number of children and middle aged increased in my first practice largely as a result of talking to my elderly patients and informing them that we could help their younger family members with foot-related problems.


  4. FeetGeek Member

    thanks for your advice guys... I'm considering opening a clinic but and i'd like to have a good mix of patients as well

  5. Anne McLean Active Member

    Many of us do not discover our mistakes until our practices are already established, by which time it can often be too costly to alter their course.

    If you are considering opening a clinic, you are in the ideal position to 'steer' your chosen mix of patients to your door.

    Factors to consider are:
     Location, location, location – Chose an area with a good demographic mix – Schools, swimming baths, sports facilities, factories, shops, airports are all good starting points. If you have these there will be sufficient elderly relatives who also need treatment.
     Decorate your surgery to attract the mix you require
     Provide literature and posters which appeal to all
     Offer the treatment modalities that your chosen mix are likely to require
     Be prepared to update these regularly
     Use credit/debit card facilities
     Some Podiatrists interact better with certain age groups. Be prepared to accept where your shortfalls lie and, if need be, to employ an associate who will appeal to that sector of patients better in order to retain them
     Offer extended opening times to suit working or school hours
     Ensure that your surgery and wanting room are suitable for all ages, for example older patients require warmer premises and very stable seating arrangements

    I hope that you achieve your ends and wish you good luck in your endeavours.


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