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  1. markjohconley Well-Known Member

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    the time for the upcoming podchatlive with peter malliaras which is one i definitely don't want to miss so,
    if the time given is,

    22 Jan at 07:00 UTC+11

    i reside in the AEDT which is 11 hours 'in front of' utc so 18:00 on 22 jan for me so '7.00 UTC+11' makes sense
    so is the time automatically calculated for residents of all time zones ?

    honest question, the cortisone is playing havoc with my thinking at the moment so please forgive what must be a simpleton question, mark
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Yes, it will be 7AM AEDT on Friday 22nd
  3. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    thanks craig, confused still, why it wouldn't be simpler to use the thursday 21 december 8pm UTC as the advertised commencement ?
    i had assumed it would be 6pm (18.00 = 7 + 11) on 22nd jan
    again thanks for the reply, mark
  4. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    apologies, yet again
    have web searched ' UTC ', which i and my wife have never heard of before, and realise the error of my thinking ...
    i am a GMT educated old bloke
    so we don't refer to AEDT any more when advertising event times, got it, at least till i have my next brain fade
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