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  1. David Hunter Member

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    Dear Podiatrist,

    This position is for a private practice situated in a rural community in central Queensland.

    They are looking for a suitably qualified Podiatrist to work either on a full time permanent basis, or a full time locum (min 12 months).

    You must have good clinical knowledge with a willingness to learn. You must have a ’go the extra mile’ attitude and a passion for tangible patient outcomes in the quickest possible time. You will have a bubbly personality and be able to build great relationships with patients to generate 'raving fans' in the community.

    If this is YOU, reasons for you to join are:

    A multi-disciplinary team of physio, OT, Dietetics, Exercise Physiology and Podiatry.

    a broad generalist caseload for excellent career development.

    A supportive, fun team who likes a party (but is serious about their work).

    Top class facilities including rehab gym, small group class area, real-time ultrasound, tele health links to rehabilitation specialists, state of the art practice management system including electronic patient records.

    A base rate (retainer) salary you will love

    A busy caseload with the potential for excellent commission

    A $2000 professional development budget per year

    For further information and to express your interest, please contact David Hunter at Medacs Healthcare at david@medacs.com.au
< Permanent Podiatrist for Tasmania | Locum to permanent Podiatrist for Sydney practice >

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