< Angle-torque relationship of the subtalar pronators and supinators | Tendon Neuroplastic Training (TNT) >
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    Musculoskeletal overuse injuries and heart rate variability: Is there a link?
    Angela Spontelli Gisselman, G. David Baxter, Alexis Wright, Eric Hegedus, Steve Tumilty
    Medical Hypotheses; February 2016Volume 87, Pages 1?7
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Interesting idea, but the journal really has very little credibility and publishes some really wacky stuff due to a lax peer review process; not necessarily anything wrong with that as it is the journal to publish "hypotheses" .... the problem comes when people cite that journal and the "hypothesis" as something credible
< Angle-torque relationship of the subtalar pronators and supinators | Tendon Neuroplastic Training (TNT) >

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