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Senior Podiatrist - Western Australia Country Health - Kalgoorlie!

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by WA Country Health Service, Dec 4, 2024.

  1. WA Country Health Service

    WA Country Health Service Welcome New Poster

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    Keen to explore the Great Australian outback? Whilst also providing a meaningful Podiatry service to the Northern Goldfields of WA as part of an awesome allied health team. As a Podiatrist in this role, you will manage a diverse caseload with primary focus on high-risk foot care across the lifespan (including paediatrics!).

    WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is the largest country health system in Australia and one of the biggest in the world, providing health services to approximately half a million people, including 45, 000 Aboriginal people, over a vast two and a half million square kilometre area. The organisation comprises seven regions, with a strong network of public hospitals, health services and health centres located across rural and remote Western Australia.

    Employee Benefits: In addition to the great salary (HSO Level P2 $112,269-$119,290 p.a plus superannuation) our employees enjoy an amazing range of benefits which may include (in line with operational requirements):
    • 11.5% employer contributed superannuation into a fund of your choice.
    • Access to generous salary packaging arrangements
    • Professional Development Opportunities and Study Leave/assistance
    • Flexible working arrangements
    • Flexible leave arrangements
    • Other professional and location-based allowances
    • As a WA Country Health Service employee, you’re entitled to discounts across some private health care funds.
    Application Instructions: Applicants are requested to apply online via Jobs WA. Please submit an application by 16/12/2024.

    Applicants are advised to write a covering letter outlining their suitability for this position, write a statement addressing the selection criteria and provide a detailed curriculum vitae which summarises your experience and how you are able to meet the position requirements. These documents should be complete and ready to attach prior to applying online. Please ensure you allow sufficient time to complete the online application process as you will be required to answer various questions and attach your documentation.

    International applicants encouraged - please find further details about employment with WACHS and qualification requirements via our website - search WA country health service - Allied health

    To apply please search via Jobs WA
    - Agency: WA Country Health Service
    - Keyword search: Podiatrist
    - you should see it displayed - review the links and JDF, submit your CV, written application and referees

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