< Foot impact injury, any help really appreciated (images included) | Hello there >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I have had a Acute spasm pain in the side of my foot now for over 2 years and i am still trying to find out what this could be. I would be very grateful for anyone to help in this matter.
    This spasm is located at one point of my foot which is on the right outside (lateral) of my foot, at the end of my 5th metatarsal (little toe) Distal to the phalanx, near the area of the peroneus tertuis tendon.
    It is so painful i scream to the top of my voices and have passed out twice. It has left...

    Acute stabbing pain side of my foot helppp.

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< Foot impact injury, any help really appreciated (images included) | Hello there >

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