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  1. Kyrret Active Member

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    Just wondering if any one has had experience with a company called Impact Marketing & Publicity LTD. They claim to sell advertising space on appointment cards, leaflets etc. I was contacted by them in March this year to have advertising space on appointment cards being used by a local GP practice. I completed the advertising copy and paid up and promptly forgot about it until today. I happened to be driving by the practice and had time to spare so popped in to see the appointment cards. The receptionist knew nothing about them and said they always use free ones provided by the reps. I have phoned Impact and am currently waiting for them to call me back. I'll let you all know the outcome. I'm hoping for a full refund but ...:pigs:
  2. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi Kyrett,
    There was a time when I was contacted on a regular basis by companies who claimed to be connected with the local GPs surgeries and invited me to advertise on practice stationary etc.
    The rates quoted were so exhorbitant that I wasn't interested and gave the reps short shrift. Word must have got around and they don't ring me any more!

    If you don't get any satisfaction from the company I suggest that you report them to Trading Standards. You can do this on line via the Consumer Direct website


  3. Kyrret Active Member

    Thanks for that - I am only £120 out of pocket but its the principle that's at stake. I have tried 2 phone calls (no call back) and will post a letter today. Someone else contacted me and they are £400 out of pocket!
  4. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi K,
    If there are more than one of you I would pay a visit to the local cop shop and make a complaint. If it is a scam then it needs reporting before others get caught out.

  5. Kyrret Active Member

    Don't worry - I will but I think I need to give them time to reply to my letter first. I have requested a refund.
  6. Poddie Member

    Hi Kyrret,

    I'm surprised that you have an address. Have you checked it out on Google Maps? I NEARLY fell for a similar scam the other day, sounds very much like yours but the address didn't check out on Google - so I left it well alone.

    I also had a call from a 'Daniel Thomas' trying to sell me advertising space on a magazine called Police Initiative, saying I would be the only Chiropodist for the Police Force in my area....as if..... I mean ..... it too was a scam. Whilst I was on the phone to them I was also able to check them out on the computer and sure enough there was a forum from where they found my advert on Free Index. Some people....... Horrrid!
  7. DTT Well-Known Member

    I Think we all get these calls from our routine advertising, yellow pages google ect.

    My stock answer is " sorry my advertising budget is used up for this year" =

    One click and they are gone:rolleyes:

    I have never seen a "practice handout" of any kind in my GP's surgery so I will not go with the request.

    Craig made a thought provoking comment in another thread = " how many times have you looked for something in yellow pages book this year?????"

    Think about it....I did ;)

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
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