< Who does surgery for Baxters nerve entrapment? | Granuloma dilemma >
  1. suresh Active Member

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    Dear all,

    33 yrs old male with pain over the medial malleoli for 3 days duration.
    severe tenderness, not warm, similar episodes for last 3 yrs subsides with rest and analgesics. for period of a week.

    last yr images were attached with findings of

    chronic deltoid rapture with bony island.

    what is the cause for the pain? .

    Attached Files:

  2. drsarbes Well-Known Member

    Hello Dr. Gandhi.
    How are you?
    What ever happened to the 1st met mass you had?
    Could you clarify the two scans. CT and MRI; dates of each, presenting symptoms for each. Two separate pathologies?

    This may be only semantics, but just looking at the single coronal MRI that you present, this (the arrow) appears to be the post tibiotalar (a.k.a. talotibial) ligament due to the adjacent talar "notch" rather than the most posterior portion of the deltoid.
    The coinciding transverse image would help clarify.

    The small radio opaque lesion in the CT ..... different complaint? Looks like a foreign body.

    It would help to see the entire study. Have a link?

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