< The importance of a functional increase in dorsiflexion stiffness at the MTP joints during gait | Ankle Joint Range of Motion Measurements >

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    Hi folks with eccentric training for tendonopathy becoming the one of the 1st line of treatment options. Anyone got any well put together handouts for patients to take home whith good discriptions of training when to increase loads etc.

    At this minute very intersted in patella tendon eccentric training.
  2. Griff Moderator


    Only had a cursory glance, but this looks like quite a nice little blog: http://eccentric-exercises.blogspot.com/
  3. werg Member

    Hi,for achilles tendonitis I've been using Richard Blakes drblakeshealingsole blog,which has some good video footage.Obviously only for those with a computer,but most folk can get some sort of access these days,

  4. Griff Moderator

    There you go Mike - you asked for handouts for eccentric loading of the patella tendon and you've got videos of eccentric loading for the achilles... Podiatry Arena at its finest... ;)
< The importance of a functional increase in dorsiflexion stiffness at the MTP joints during gait | Ankle Joint Range of Motion Measurements >

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