< Energetic / Experienced Podiatrist Seeking Work in Melbourne, Sydney or Canberra! | Podiatrists needed for the Christmas/New Year period - Nationally, but predominantly metro Adelaide >
  1. mtj45 Member

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    I am a Scottish trained Podiatrist with eleven years experience in a variety of specialties, including elite sports and biomechanics, diabetes, paediatrics and high risk wound care. I am trained in acupuncture, ESWT, lower limb mobilisations, Pinpointe and low level laser as well as a variety of gait and force plate analysis systems. I have been practising in Melbourne for the last six months and I'm currently seeking a new full time opportunity.

    If you have any current or upcoming positions available, you can reach me on mtj45@hotmail.com or alternatively call 0404 554323.

    Many Thanks,

  2. Hi Michael

    What type of work are you looking for, and which areas of Melbourne are you open to?

    Wellness & Lifestyles Australia work with the aged care industry. If this is an industry you'd be open to, please do make contact.

    Kind regards
< Energetic / Experienced Podiatrist Seeking Work in Melbourne, Sydney or Canberra! | Podiatrists needed for the Christmas/New Year period - Nationally, but predominantly metro Adelaide >

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