< Mrahman90 | van ness rotation >
  1. Alexislyf Welcome New Poster

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    Hi Everyone

    New to Podiatry Forum.

    A quick question to ask if anyone can help me to understand prescription of foot orthoses.

    Seen a young gentleman , age 22 in my clinic with presenting symptoms of Abd. Hallucis strain. He is serving his national service deployment in paratroopers.

    In regards to prescribing orthoses for this gentleman, will EVA or Polypropylene materials suitable for him in his long term treatment? How much force and shock impact can the orthoses materials withstand during his training?

    Thank you.

  2. :welcome::welcome:
    Hi Alexis I would suggest that post this question in the biomechancis forum.

    Before you do this I would think that a little more information may help such as weight of the person etc. I would also guess that the paratroopers will have studies on how much force is placed on the feet in the average landing. Then compair this to the force measurements in running. There will also be research on that ´google pubmed´. You will need to ask on which part of the foot do they land on this will also effect the materials as well. This will give you a good start. If the force is the same use what you would normal use in a runner on his weight etc.

    Hope that this helps
  3. Alexislyf Welcome New Poster

    Hi Michael

    Thank you for the valuable information you have given me.

    The patient weight is 76kg. The main concern he brought up was the how effective will the orthotic materials withstand the activities he is involved such as high impact jumping when landing on the surface?

  4. Hi Alexis,

    Once you get the force info and compair it to running. You have a good idea.

    also I suggest you read this article in this thread on the difference betweek different striking points in running. Will give you some good info when you find out which part of the foot hits the ground 1st.

< Mrahman90 | van ness rotation >

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