< Bump on bottom of foot | Chronic foot pain. What should I do? >
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    My mom has severe osteoarthritis (her dr. called it horrific arthritis) in her left midfoot. It's to the point that she can't walk or stand for any...

  2. drsarbes Well-Known Member

    Arthritis in this area of the foot is not uncommon, however, the source of pain does vary.

    The majority of symptoms due to this arthritis is from direct pressure of the resulting bone spurs on the surrounding structures (nerve especially). Less common is pain on motion of these joints.

    When the pain is from the spurs, a simple procedure to remove the spurs and relieve pressure from the nearby nerves usually results in dramatic relief. It is also quick healing.

    Less commonly, if there is pain on motion and weight bearing rather than direct pressure, a joint fusion may be indicated. This requires a rather long post operative period.

    Good luck.

< Bump on bottom of foot | Chronic foot pain. What should I do? >

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