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  1. Jbwheele Active Member

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    Has anyone else had any patient who after a serious weight loss 30Kgs (not due to illness) etc, and basically been doin the same old thing (apart from diet I suppose) work, walking etc, developed foot problems / symptoms?

    Generally I thought it was the other way around.

    Perhaps if a change in the persons eating habits excluded certain nutrients ? :confused:

    Or perhaps since the Pt is lighter now the foot and leg and actually moving through a larger (Range of Motion) ROM

    Any other Ideas

  2. DaVinci Well-Known Member

    Look for other reasons; maybe not related to the body weight. Are you sure they are not more active now than when they were previously?
  3. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  4. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran


    If someone loses weight too quickly (as on a crash-diet) they will tend to lose muscle rather than fat.

    If your pt lost more than 2 pounds a week regularly this may be the reason for their foot symptomology.

    Of course, it could also be that they've hammered their feet whilst overweight, and are only now starting to feel the symptoms.
  5. Jbwheele Active Member

    THanks for the Ideas Guys

    I asked her about her diet and exercise patterns and all seems ok, I will feed back more info as we progress,

  6. adavies Active Member


    The body, as you know, takes time to adjust to any change that may be brought upon it.
    So too much and too fast of anything in life will have adverse effects on you.
    This would include weight gain and weight loss.

    If the weight loss has occurred without any obvious reason, then you need to look deeper as there must be a course.

    AD - UK based Kiwi
  7. adavies Active Member


    getting carried away - trying to reply between patients.

    the last word should of be 'cause'.

  8. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

    After you post a message, there is an edit button on the bottom right of it that is present for a couple of hours, so you just need to click that to edit the message.
  9. Jbwheele Active Member

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