< Increased number of patients with shellac on their nails | Advice with patient with unusal painful lesion/area >
  1. Boots n all Well-Known Member

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    l saw this on TV last night, thought might be of interest to others.

    Reporter: Allison Langdon
    Producers: Jo Townsend, Phil Goyen

    We've all heard about placebos, those phoney sugar pills that doctors sometimes hand out to trick people into thinking they've been medicated.

    It's all about using the extraordinary healing power of positive thinking. Well, now researchers are making revolutionary advances in the science of placebos.

    So much so, it's gone way beyond swallowing fake tablets to cure minor ailments.

    They've now got patients undergoing pretend operations to fight disease and chronic pain, and the results are nothing short of remarkable.

    Full story here http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=8572530
< Increased number of patients with shellac on their nails | Advice with patient with unusal painful lesion/area >

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