< Clinical Examination of Plantar Plate Abnormality | Nova Autoclave >
  1. music123 Member

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    Hi all,

    I was a Podiatry student and left but really miss it. Any tips on how to improve manual dexterity and communication if I was going to return to it.

  2. blinda MVP

    Hi `music123`,

    :welcome: to the Arena.

    Where did you study? Your post intimates that you did not complete the course. At which point and why did you cease studying?

    When we have a litte more information about your level of skill, we will be in a better position to help you.


    BTW, When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it may have been started by Mark and that the reason I haven`t received my calendar is; he is looking for `Miss Podiatry - July 2013`......
  3. Ian Drakard Active Member

    I confess I thought it might be an idea to liven up the next conference :eek:

    At what stage did you leave the course and were these things the reason? The course should in part be about developing those skills anyway.
  4. music123 Member

    left mid 2nd year. probably was more to do with confidence as had good days and bad days. clearly if I didnt have any skill all days would have been bad. Loads of ones in my class where mature students so it seems to me that life experience would help in communicating to others. Its starting communication with patients that was problematic at times. beyond the 'how are you' my mind goes blank and I feel I was artifically having conversation 'random questions out of the blue to them' didnt seem to have progression through a conversation. Thanks for your reply
  5. music123 Member

  6. MattyP Member

    Hi, I am only a foundation year student so my academic and work skills are not anywhere near the standard you are thinking of, but my previous background is retail and sales. One key thing to remember is that 95% of the people you see in a clinic will be less comfortable than you with their surroundings. Get the client talking about themselves, what they do for a living, do they enjoy it, how long have they done it etc. Then lead the conversation onto family. People enjoy talking about themselves, it relaxes them and that feeling will in turn give them confidence in what you are doing.
    It does not matter how old you are or what experiences you have had, if you can actually listen to what the client says, that is a great way to gain outside knowledge. And who knows, maybe they will let you in on something relevant.
    Hope that helps, and good luck whatever decision you make
  7. Peter Well-Known Member

    Hi music123, a good starting point is to obtain the clinical information you need, medication, family history of problems, current problems with feet, previous intervention/experiences of foothealth care etc. This gives you their presenting problem, gets your notes bang on, and will gradually lead to a meandering conversation about other stuff.
< Clinical Examination of Plantar Plate Abnormality | Nova Autoclave >

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