< Can peripheral arterial disease be early screened for in a podiatric setting? | Should patients with active foot ulcers be non-weight bearing or take exercise to improve cardiovasc >
  1. Asher Well-Known Member

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    Hi everyone.

    I'm surprised to find the popular (Aus, UK) hydrocolloid blister dressing 'Compeed' doesn't exist in the USA. http://www.compeed.com/

    Does anyone know of the American alternative?

  2. Asher Well-Known Member

    An American colleague emailed me this explanation and link:

    With regard to Compeed, that product was acquired by Johnson & Johnson many years ago. It still seems to be promoted in Europe under the original Compeed name, but is now called Band-Aid Advanced Healing Blister Cushions in the USA: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/band-aid-advanced-healing-blister-cushions/ID=prod392263-product. ​

    However, a quick search reveals this product is also available in Australia: http://www.band-aid.com/products/advanced-protection. So I'm not sure it's the same as Compeed. I can't even tell for sure if it's a hydrocolloid, not enough information supplied.

< Can peripheral arterial disease be early screened for in a podiatric setting? | Should patients with active foot ulcers be non-weight bearing or take exercise to improve cardiovasc >

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