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  1. FootMate Welcome New Poster

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    An article on how stress causes health issues and how a foot massage can aid in alleviating stress for overall well being.

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  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Reflexology is a fraud, scam and not better than snake oil. Every single study has shown its an epic fail.
  3. Dananberg Active Member

    I could never tell you that reflexology cured my headaches, hemorrhoids or heartburn, but I can attest to the Chinese Foot Massages I have gotten at various sites around the world. Boy....do my feet feel better!

  4. efuller MVP

    If your feet are hurting, you should get some good orthotics. The rare day that I go without mine, my feet really hurt. They are even better after I added the reverse Morton's extension. If I only knew who to thank for popularizing that modification for my generation of podiatrists.


  5. Craig Payne Moderator

    There is a big difference between the pseudoscientific fraud of reflexology and a damn good massage. Of course, a damn good foot massage make you feel better.
  6. Dananberg Active Member

    To Craig,

    My comment was written as partially humorous. I don't really have hemorrhoids but thought the alliteration added to the comment. Sorry if I offended.

    To Eric,

    Your welcome.

    And my feet hurt as a residual from having psoriatic arthritis in 2006. Ouch. Embril worked as a miracle drug and I am pretty much fine....except my feet. Barefoot on hard surfaces sucks, but otherwise, with shoes and orthotics, I can walk all day with no issues.

  7. Craig Payne Moderator

    oh no! ... it was taken in jest! No offence taken!
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