< Problem with hallux | Unable to see private mesages >
  1. Ina Active Member

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    I would think that a thank you button is a handy way to bookmark a food for thought post so as to be able to access it later via my profile.

    But trying to look through all my thanked posts I'm getting only this failure message: "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms." Could it be fixed somehow?
  2. Griff Moderator

    The 'thanked post' button will access the posts you have made which were thanked by others. There is currently no specific way to quickly access any previous posts where you have thanked others.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Ina Active Member

    Thank you for the answer although it's a little bit disappointing that there's no way to avoid adding new piles of links to a pre-existing heap of browser bookmarks. It would be very convenient to store those within the arena.
< Problem with hallux | Unable to see private mesages >

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