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Unpaid Invoice

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by bmjones1234, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. bmjones1234

    bmjones1234 Active Member

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    Hi all,

    I was wondering if pod arena peeps could help.

    I work as a self-employed podiatrist, barely part-time some weeks. I have an outstanding invoice with a company I am trying to part-ways with for numerous reason.

    However, unsurprisingly, I am having issues. :bang: :craig:

    I was wondering what options can I have available to recoup my losses?
    How long would these options take?
    What if there is a discrepancy?
    If there are any outstanding payments my end, can they automatically deduct this from the final invoice amount, or must it be dealt with separately?

    PM me if you have had personal experience from this situation it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance all!
  2. W J Liggins

    W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Depending on how much you are likely to lose you have 2 options:

    i) (and preferable although more expensive) obtain legal advice
    ii) try the small claims court

    Hope this helps

  3. bmjones1234

    bmjones1234 Active Member

    Hi Bill,

    Yes I have whittled it down to these option, but by the time the figure is actually agreed upon it will be a few hounded pounds, which to many may not seem like a lot, but to me that was my hard graph to earn that. But really isn't work the months of court hassle to get it back.

    Also spoke with the accountant and in essence he essentially said unless I want to go through litigation, which doesn't have guaranteed success, I have probably lost that money.

    I appreciate your input though, good to see I was thinking along the right track.

    Best Wishes.
  4. Pauline burrell-saward

    Pauline burrell-saward Active Member

    personally I wouldn't bother.

    I have been to the small claims once, which involved taking a day off work, I won ( it was easy actually) then they didn't pay ,so had to get the bailiffs in, still, few dribs and drabs , then they said it was xmas so they couldn't get any money from them, I insisted. Funny ,I was given cash for the full amount the next day.

    wasn't worth the hassle even though it was the best part of a grand.

    Never again, I don't think it bothered them but really upset me
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