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Let it snow. (actually stop it now)

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Robertisaacs, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Some kind of crazy weather we're having in the UK just now! Buncha snow and it shows no signs of letting up for weeks!


    It started as interesting. Its now a pain in the A**E!!!

    Anyone got any good photos?
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    ....we hit 41 degrees here today ....
  3. We had minus 29.7 C on wednesday and minus 28.4 C this morning and we have a 1 metre of snow outside.

    Hope that makes you feel a bit better Robert
  4. Jonathan

    Jonathan Active Member

    No Photos, but the guy next door who has be banging on about barefoot running for the last 8 months, is back running in his Nilke Pegs.
  5. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    I always give my Mrs the first shot for free in any snowball fight - thats the sort of gent I am


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  6. They call it.....global warming.;)
  7. Mam Tor sunrise

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  8. I'm calling it far less polite names! Spent an hour clearing the fet feet of path to the car this morning, I'm now looking at a blizzard. Again. We're Just not used to this. Mike, I'd be willing to bet you own things like a snow shovel and chains for the car. We, by contrast, have pretty much run out of grit for the roads! And when I say we I mean the country. Only the main roads are being done now.

    The view from my bedroom window The tiny bit of road you can still see is what I cleared this morning (again). Thats under about an inch now from the last 30 mins.

  9. AMAZING Picture Mark! The sky looks like its on fire. Thanks for sharing that, it might be my new screensaver!
  10. Sorry Robert I was trying to make the other side of the fence seem less green
    ( get it :D ) Guess that backfired a little.

    PS I do have all the snow clearing gear.
  11. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Mike
    I believe the temperatures you quoted in Sweden have been matched this week in parts of Scotland :santa2:

    I came home in my 4 x 4 yesterday and reversed into my drive ( on a slope) as I went to get out of the car it started moving with the parking brake on and the gearbox in park !! I shut the door started the car put it in reverse with all wheels going backwards and very gently slid on the black ice on top of the snow which had happened whist I was out, to halfway across the road !!:eek:

    Thankfully no-one was walking past the front of the drive at the time.
    Bloody scary
  12. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Hi Mike,

    As Rob has hinted - being a Brit doesn't mean we necessarily hate the snow (I personally love the stuff) - its just our complete inability to deal with it (at all levels) as a nation which is frustrating. God only knows what would happen if we saw conditions such as the ones you are experiencing at the moment.

    One could argue that spending millions of pounds (at a governmental level) on equipment we may only need once a year would be a waste - but given that this week alone the estimated cost to the economy due to 50% of London workers not being able to make it into work was in the hundreds of millions of pounds you wonder whether it might be a good investment in the long run given that they are predicting similar winters to this for us for the next few years. This post is a bit high brow for me admittedly - but given I have been stuck indoors for 4 days BBC News has become my friend.

    Why is it so cold?
    What would the UK do if it snowed this much every year?

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2010
  13. Would be the same if my old town of Melbourne Australia got any snow total chaos. Probably more likely to be flooded if the oceans rise but who knows.

    Anyway here´s some photos of what we saw from our kitchen window this morning. Hope there not to big, I tried to reduce them.

    Here some Swedish moose to put a smile on your UK faces, 35 m from our kitchen window.

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  14. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Mike

    What wonderful pic's :D

    Just like Mark Russell the wonders of the world and the specialties of nature are a joy to behold.

    Thank you both:D

    Rob, sorry you lost a fiver to me on your prediction on the snow, which has made you grumpy (like me) :rolleyes:

    Never bet with the toeman mate you should know that by now :))))))))))))))))))
  15. Who owns the bug?
  16. Luckily for you she throws like a girl- look at the angle at the elbow and lack of backswing... I'm also guessing she hasn't compressed that ball to the point that it's solid ice; she'd have never made it into my gang at school.:D
  17. Weird, I was talking about Mam Tor with a patient yesterday who is doing a walking tour of the Peaks in March- like I said to him: A bimble up and once you're up, you just follow the ridge. BTW, I just played spot the difference with your two photos, how long apart were the photos taken?
  18. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Correct on both counts sir. She hit me on the fourth attempt but it barely registered.
  19. Dido

    Dido Active Member

    It's not very clever here either and more snow is due !


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  20. I love snow, but in Plymouth we only had about 1.5cm on Wednesday (enough to bring the city to halt, close all the schools and for all but one of my patients to cancel (the one that turned up was a dentist, who came early because all of his patients had cancelled too) pathetic). Why can't we have a couple of foot of snow, so I can close shop and go sledging?:bang:
  21. Yeah, the South East has had it all today. Never fear Simon, by the long range forecast you'll get yours! You can have mine actually. The Bug belongs to my neighbour, the kids love the "beetle car". We Just crossed the 13 inch mark (I know its not a meter but its plenty).

    Great Moose BTW. Loose aboot your hoose etc. Best wildlife we saw today was a tiny dog trying to run through snow considerably deeper than it was tall. Hilarious!

    Still think Mark wins the Pod arena photography contest though.
  22. Six days - top one last weekend, bottom one yesterday morning. I lost a spare set of car keys first outing - then found them Friday. Just as well as a new set is £150!
  23. David Smith

    David Smith Well-Known Member

    What camera / lens / settings were you using.

    Nice one, Dave
  24. Big up the man who moved the stone to lean it against the gate post on the left hand side! Different view, I know ;-)
  25. Different location - about 1/4 mile apart! Canon 350D 28-75mm lens with polarising filter.;)
  26. W J Liggins

    W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    See Mike

    Whingeing Poms is about right. Canada, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Austria, the States and even parts of - God help us - France, get heavier falls every year. We get a cold spell and a comparitively light fall of snow here and everything grinds to a halt. The responsible government minister has told the local transport authorities to cut down road gritting by 25% to reduce the demand for salt. We dig this stuff out of the ground in Cheshire for the cost of the labour, bye the way, there is no shortage!

    Now, when I were a lad, we had no central heating and no double glazing. The roads were gritted and people cleared the pavement in front of their houses and laid ash to stop others from slipping. We woke up to beautiful frost 'flowers' on the inside of the windows, toasted bread in front of an open fire and roasted chestnuts the same way. We were wrapped up warmly by our mamas, played in the snow and never, ever whinged.

    Now we've gone soft and even though South Africa was not a problem, we'll probably get creamed by the Aussies in the next Test. It's all the fault of our namby-pamby governments!

    Incidentally, I like your moose. It bears a passing resemblance to Robert.


  27. Only the expression on its face. ;)
  28. Grand Lake, Colorado, last Christmas...my wife and son riding snowmobiles toward the Great Western Divide....let it snow!

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  29. I have GOT to get me one of those!!!
  30. Wendy

    Wendy Active Member

    I can empathise with Simon here as we only had approx 2cm of snow (now sheet ice!!!!!) and all grinds to a halt. I have been informed the last time we had snow this deep (?) was in the early 1960's so that would explain some of the reluctance to venture out.................;)
    I would like to schools to go back though:eek:
    Photo's have been great
  31. Hi Bill.

    Although I recon we have all got alittle soft. When I think of people living in northen Sweden etc in 1500´s crazy.

    Or the famous explores into the cold and crazy places only 60-70 years ago. Lots of them English ( seems the cold works for the saying mad dogs and English men)
    Think Mallory, Scott, Hillary, Shackleton, Mawson and Amundson I think what they put up with and what they went thru. I think they would call us all soft.

    As for the up comming Ashes ,I think that you have a big upper hand. We are missing an out and out strike bowler, Mitchell has become the worlds best 1st change, Siddles down on form and luck at the min and Hillfanhus is injuried . Our number 6 North is about to be dropped and as you may have read getting the big hundred seems to be out of fashion at the min getting 50 and getting out is the way forward. Watson like the 90out 4 times this aust summer.
  32. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    I saw that on the news the other night Bill 60 massive trucks queuing to get the salt,
    ONE Digger loading them

    I remember those days as well Bill and the icicles off the inside of bedroom windows, (breaking them off the garage roofs on the way to school and eating them as lollies) and seeing your breath when you got out of bed and all congregating in the kitchen where the kettle was on, the warmest place in the house !!
    Dont forget the dripping that went on the toast !!:D

    Good days for those that remember :drinks
  33. Icicles on the inside of WINDOWS?


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Xe1a1wHxTyo&hl=en_GB&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Xe1a1wHxTyo&hl=en_GB&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
  34. N.Knight

    N.Knight Active Member

    I know not snow, but still pretty cool

    [​IMG][/URL] [​IMG][/IMG]

  35. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Old crittle metal windows Rob, used to warp in the cold weather crack the glass at times but leave great big gaps in the seals. Condensation froze into little icicles in the wind blowing through the gaps and the ice flowers on the inside of the windows formed.
    No big deal just a memory for us olduns :empathy:

    You puppies dont know how lucky you are :rolleyes: :D
  36. You were luck to have windows! We used to have 'oles in t't wall with a bit o' plastic bag across them. We a used to dream of leaky windows!
  37. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hah Hum puppy, Bill and I talk of the reality in the "olden days":D

    Your monty python fantasy clip is just that, fantasy ;)

    Us oldies are allowed to reminisce at times ?? as to the reality of the times in our upbringing :empathy:

    We had times in the year we got presents.. Christmas and birthdays !! not whenever you want them as now

    I( believe we , my era) were much happier because we had the excitement of waiting for a special occasion.

    The thaw seems to have started, Enjoy mate and keep the memory, coz one day you will be telling another puppy:empathy: about how it was ;)

    Be well Buddy
  38. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Hah! We lived in rolled up newspaper in septic tank.....tell kids today!
  39. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Yep and get the bollox reaction of the current thinking in the modern day.

    Just a couple of olduns remembering those times,as it was that's all.

    Enjoy what you have now,

    A legacy given to you from the past.
  40. With you on the presents all yeah around thing! Christmas is just not what it used to be.

    I had a student flat once with a single glazed sash window in the shower room, which was on a different floor to my room. There was ice in the bath a few times over one jan. Does that count ? ;)


    ps you were lucky bel, we never had a newspaper!

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