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Inpatient Podiatrist Position - St George Hospital, Sydney

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by akenne30, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. akenne30

    akenne30 Active Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Level 3 Inpatient Podiatrist - St George Hospital

    Employment Type: Temporary Full Time until 9 March 2021
    Position Classification: Podiatrist Level 3
    Remuneration: $100,151 - $103,503 per annum
    Hours Per Week: 38
    Requisition ID: REQ141051

    Position Tagline
    This is a fantastic opportunity to work as part of the inpatient setting and a great team in a major hospital
    Where you'll be working
    The position is based at St George Hospital. There may be requirements to travel to other sites within the district.
    What you'll be doing
    The vision for South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) is ‘exceptional care, healthier lives’. SESLHD is committed to enabling our community to be healthy and well, and to providing the best possible compassionate care when people need it.
    • Protected clinical supervision and case conferencing time.
    • The opportunity to develop your leadership skills
    • Consult on and treat complex lower limb conditions in the multidisciplinary setting


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