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Les bailey is back!! And now he is a doctor!!

Discussion in 'Feeds From Other Forums' started by mazbaa, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. mazbaa

    mazbaa Member

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    Can you believe this guy! Given himself a PHD from the school of Bailey and money back no questions asked ..... Is back offering the most acurate orthotics in the world to treat plantarfasciitis (which have to be altered 5 times over a two period on order to resolve the problem!) what A Con! After two years the condition would have resolved naturally or the patient would have given up and sought treatment else where. The orthotics are cheap and my 5 year old could prescribe better. How can a man who has been struck off the osteopathic register be allowed to make money from desperate individuals who are in chronic pain and give himself a phd??
  2. cyril20th

    cyril20th Member

    There seems to be more con artist in this profession than most. Trouble is desperate people will part with money. I came across them and the charges! took your breath away:confused:
  3. Brian A. Rothbart

    Brian A. Rothbart Well-Known Member

    This, unfortunately, is common. Orthotics are commonly dispensed for hyperpronation (abnormal pronation, excessive pronation etc) which is a symptom, not an etiology! Plantar fasciitis is a symptom. The etiology of plantasr fasciitis is multifactorial. Was it due to trauma? What it due to an inherent genetic foot aberration (Rothbarts foot or PreClinical Clubfoot Deformity)? Was it due to an inflammatory disease, overuse syndrome, etc etc? The answer to these questions determine if orthotics are indicated and if indicated, what type of orthotic should be prescribed.

    IMO, what Bailey is doing, prescribing orthotics based on symptoms alone, is NOT unusual in our profession.

    How many Podiatrists do you know, that actually make a diagnosis before prescribing orthotics.

    Anyone wish to comment?

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