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Neuropathy secondary to Chemotherapy

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by Natalie, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Natalie

    Natalie Welcome New Poster

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    Dear Colleagues,
    I am a Podiatrist with a special interest in Diabetes and High Risk Feet.
    I have also a personal connection with my local branch of the Leukaemia foundation.
    They have asked me to do a presentation as part of an upcoming patient education day on 'Neuropathy secondary to Chemotherapy'
    Neuropathy is one of the side effects of the treatment for many cancers, but in particular Multiple Myeloma.

    I am seeking any information from Podiatrists, Neurologists, Haematologists or any interested professionals on their knowledge and experience in this area.

    As a Podiatrist I'm interested in the following,
    - does our current practice in regard to Diabetic Neuropathy inform the pathological process in other Neuropathies ?
    - what are the clinical manifestations of this type of Neuropathy ?
    - are the current Podiatric Neurological examination tools useful in this type of Neuropathy ?

    or any other information / anedoctal experience would be gratefully received.

  2. LuckyLisfranc

    LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member


    Peripheral neuropathy is peripheral neuropathy, IMHO.

    The distinction between, mono/poly/motor/sensory/autonomic etc is just the effect of individial variations between the aetiologies.

    I like to start my neuropathy presentations by addressing the 'DANG THERAPIST' mnemonic and working my way through to the various aetiologies to get to the topic the target audience is interested in.

    For example, a couple of years ago I did a talk to a HIV support group. In this situation there are two possible aetiologies at play, the infection itself, and the toxic neuropathy caused by the older generation HIV drugs.

    I make a big deal out of compound problems (eg tarsal tunnel sydrome underlying a spinal stenosis in the presence of diabetes). Everyone looks at the diabetes, but the spinal stenosis or tarsal tunnel could be the issue.

    As you know, in the case of toxic neuropathies secondary to adverse drug reaction, the is supportive rather than curative. Much time can be spent on weighing the risks/benefits of gabapentin, amitriptylline and other drugs to palliate the situation, and praying for slow resolution of the pain.

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    Persistent pain, sensory disturbances and functional impairment after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: cyclophosphamide, epirubicin and fluorouracil compared with docetaxel + epirubicin and cyclophosphamide.
    Andersen KG, Jensen MB, Kehlet H, Gärtner R, Eckhoff L, Kroman N.
    Acta Oncol. 2012 Nov;51(8):1036-44.
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    Central pain processing in chronic chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
    Boland EG1, Selvarajah D2, Hunter M3, Ezaydi Y4, Tesfaye S2, Ahmedzai SH5, Snowden JA4, Wilkinson ID6.
    PLoS One. 2014 May 12;9(5):e96474.
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    Comparison of Foot Bathing and Foot Massage in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy.
    Park, Ranhee PhD, RN; Park, Chaisoon PhD
    Cancer Nursing: October 1, 2014
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    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathic pain
    R Gupta, A Bhaskar
    BJA Education
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    Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Depression in Cancer Patients
    Kyung Yeon Kim et al
    Asian Oncol Nurs. 2015 Sep;15(3):149-155. Korean.
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    Neurofeedback reduces pain, increases quality of life for cancer patients suffering from chemotherapy-induced neuropathy
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    Gait Characteristics of Children and Youth With Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Following Treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    Marilyn J. Wright et al
    Gait and Posture; Article in Press
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    Press Release:
    Preliminary Results from Clinical Study Evaluating Use of Quell in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy to be presented at the American Pain Society Annual Meeting
    May 15, 2017 10:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time
    WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NeuroMetrix, Inc. (Nasdaq: NURO) today reported that researchers from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry will present a scientific poster titled “Wearable TENs band for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN): A feasibility study” at the upcoming annual meeting of the American Pain Society to be held in Pittsburgh, PA, May 17-20.

    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common cause of chronic neuropathic pain. It is characterized by symptoms that include burning pain, a distorted sense of touch, numbness, tingling, and cramps. CIPN is a common dose limiting side effect of chemotherapy and significantly impacts the quality of life of many cancer survivors. About one-third of patients will develop chronic CIPN 6 months or more after the end of chemotherapy,

    The Quell® study was led by Dr. Jennifer Gewandter, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology. The objective of the study was to test the feasibility of evaluating Quell technology in cancer survivors with CIPN and to obtain preliminary clinical efficacy data.

    “We are pleased to have supported this study, and hope it lays the groundwork for a large scale randomized clinical study that further evaluates the efficacy of Quell in CIPN,” said Shai N. Gozani, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO of NeuroMetrix. “Many Quell users have neuropathic pain, including from CIPN. We therefore hope that this and future studies help us optimize Quell for treatment of chronic neuropathic pain.”

    About Quell
    Quell is designed for millions of people suffering from chronic pain. The advanced wearable device is lightweight and can be worn during the day while active, and at night while sleeping. It has been cleared by the FDA for treatment of chronic pain without a prescription. In a recent study, 81% of Quell users reported an improvement in their chronic pain. Quell users can personalize and manage therapy discreetly via the Quell Relief app. Quell also offers advanced health tracking relevant to chronic pain sufferers including pain, sleep, activity, and gait. Quell was the winner of the 2016 SXSW (South by Southwest) Innovation Award for Best Wearable Technology. Quell is available at select healthcare professionals and retailers. Visit QuellRelief.com for more information.

    About NeuroMetrix
    NeuroMetrix is a commercial stage, innovation driven healthcare company combining bioelectrical and digital medicine to address chronic health conditions including chronic pain, sleep disorders, and diabetes. The company's lead product is Quell, an over-the-counter wearable therapeutic device for chronic pain. Quell is integrated into a digital health platform that helps patients optimize their therapy and decrease the impact of chronic pain on their quality of life. The company also markets DPNCheck®, a rapid point-of-care test for diabetic neuropathy, which is the most common long-term complication of Type 2 diabetes. The company maintains an active research effort and has several pipeline programs. The company is located in Waltham, Massachusetts and was founded as a spinoff from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in 1996. For more information, please visit NeuroMetrix.com.
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    Falls, Functioning, and Disability Among Women With Persistent Symptoms of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
    Kerri M. Winters-Stone, Fay Horak, Peter G. Jacobs, Phoebe Trubowitz, Nathan F. Dieckmann, Sydnee Stoyles, et al
    Journal of Clinical Oncology - June 6, 2017
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    Balance, gait negatively impacted after chemotherapy treatment
    Researchers say objective measures of physical function should be integrated into oncology follow-up care to reduce fall risk, improve treatment compliance

    COLUMBUS - A single chemotherapy treatment can result in a significant negative impact on walking gait and balance, putting patients at an increasing risk for falls, according to a new study involving breast cancer patients conducted by researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC - James).

    Up to 60 percent of patients experience chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), nerve damage that impacts feeling in the hands or feet; however, when and to what extent this damage impacts functional abilities has been largely unknown.

    This new study is the first to objectively measure the functional abilities of cancer patients during and after taxane-based chemotherapy. Researchers followed 33 patients with stage I-III breast cancer, assessing functional performance (standing balance and gait) and patient-reported outcomes at five timepoints spanning before treatment began up to three months post-treatment completion.

    Researchers observed a 28 percent increase in side-to-side sway (medial-lateral) after just one chemotherapy treatment. That increased to 48 percent with cumulative chemotherapy exposure. Patients also demonstrated a 5 percent reduction in walking speed after three cycles of chemotherapy.

    "This is not simply a quality of life concern -- CIPN can impact a patient's ability to receive treatment at all, limiting the potential for a cure. For patients who have great difficulty with neuropathy, we often have to modify their treatment regimen to make it tolerable -- sometimes the therapy has to be ceased entirely," says Maryam Lustberg, MD, MPH, senior author of the study and director of breast cancer survivorship services at the OSUCCC - James. "We need to make these treatments more tolerable to patients so they can get the full benefit of the treatments."

    Lustberg and her colleagues report that taxane exposure is also associated with worsened sensory symptoms and poorer postural control. There was also an association between patients' balance and self-reported sensory symptoms.

    The study was published online ahead of print in the medical journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment April 3, 2017.

    Significant Clinical Problem

    CIPN leads to pain, falls and difficulty walking as well as performing activities of daily living. Although symptoms can improve with time, up to 30 percent of patients have persistent symptoms that last at least six months.

    Researchers say the study provides initial support for the feasibility and potential utility of implementing objective measures of physical function into the oncology clinic.

    "Cancer survivors are at a significant increased risk for falls, and the incidence rate of falling after chemotherapy is a serious concern for survivors' long-term quality of life," adds Lustberg. "Our study provides new insights on how taxane-based chemotherapy can impact fundamental aspects of patient function. These new insights can help us develop better strategies to help patients combat these challenges and, in some cases, choose a different therapy to treat the disease but with reduced side effects."

    The OSUCCC - James is expanding this research to assess CIPN in colorectal cancer patients receiving taxane-based chemotherapy.

    Integrating Gait, Balance Testing Into Clinical Practice

    Study co-author Ajit Chaudhari, PhD, associate professor of physical therapy, orthopedics, mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center says the study was an important first step in achieving better long-term outcomes after cancer and provides a new tool for integrating gait and balance screening into clinical care.

    "We have created an easy-to-use clinical tool that has strong potential to quickly help clinicians identify patients -- very early on -- who are developing a chemotherapy reaction that impacts gait and balance," says Chaudhari. "It's no longer good enough for someone to just 'survive' cancer because many patients have decades of life ahead of them. It is critical to do everything we can to make the rest of their lives as productive and enjoyable as they want it to be."
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    Diagnosing, treating neuropathy symptoms in cancer patients not exact science

    ANN ARBOR--Most of the roughly 15.5 million cancer survivors in the U.S. receive chemotherapy, and roughly 65 percent develop some degree of the chemotherapy-induced nerve damage known as peripheral neuropathy.

    Peripheral neuropathy simply means nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are affected, and symptoms include numbness and tingling in extremities, and in about 30 percent of patients, pain. Neuropathy can drastically diminish quality of life--and in extreme cases, may necessitate chemotherapy dose reductions.

    Unfortunately, neuropathy often goes underreported and untreated, said Ellen Lavoie Smith, associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. This happens because clinicians and researchers don't have a valid, standardized way to measure symptoms or the effectiveness of neuropathy treatments. Right now, the drug Cymbalta (duloxetine) is the only drug FDA-approved to treat painful neuropathy symptoms.

    Some doctors and nurses ask patients about neuropathy, or whether they have symptoms of numbness and tingling, and others don't.

    "If we don't have a reliable measurement tool, we can't know if the interventions are effective or not," Smith said. "Historically, it's possible that we've discounted treatments and said they are ineffective based on poor measurements."

    Smith's lab wanted to find a better way to quantify neuropathy symptoms and treatment efficacy.

    "The ultimate goal is to use a measurement tool in research and clinical settings that has been thoroughly tested and found to be reliable and valid. We believe we have that now," she said.

    The neuropathy measurement tool Smith examined in her research is a questionnaire developed in Europe and owned by an international research network. It's a patient-reported outcome measure called the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Scale (QLQ-CIPN20).37.

    Findings suggest that with minor revisions, it could be universally adopted in both labs and doctors' offices to help researchers and clinicians quantify and treat this painful condition.

    Six previous publications provide evidence supporting the tool's effectiveness. However, two studies provide conflicting evidence about the instrument's validity, and another study suggests that minor revisions could improve that.

    Some researchers use the questionnaire now, but for a variety of reasons it's not used in the clinic with cancer patients, Smith said.

    "The next step is for researchers worldwide to consider using the same tool, because then the results from one researcher can be compared directly with results from the next," she said.
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    This clinical trial was just registered:
    Exercise to Reduce Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
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    This clinical trial was just registered:
    Botulinum Toxin A for the Treatment of Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
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    This clinical trial was just registered:
    Acupuncture for Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
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    Microneurosurgical treatment options in peripheral nerve compression syndromes after chemotherapy and radiation treatment
    Eric I Chang MD Michael I Rose MD Kristie Rossi BS Andrew I Elkwood MD
    J Surg Oncol: 27 September 2018
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    The Relationship Between Evaluation Methods for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy.
    Yoshida Y et al
    Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 30 ;9(1):20361
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    This two clinical trials were just registered:

    Efficacy of Acupuncture on Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)-CMUH

    Preventing Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy Using PRESIONA Exercise Program (PRESIONA)
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    Nerve damage after chemo: potential risk factors revealed

    Being older, overweight and having low haemoglobin levels (fewer red blood cells) could increase a patient's risk of developing debilitating nerve damage following chemotherapy, a research team led by UNSW Sydney has revealed.

    The researchers aimed to identify pre-treatment clinical and blood-based risk factors in patients who developed chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) - nerve damage in peripheral body parts, like hands or feet, as a result of chemotherapy.

    The study, published in JAMA Network Open recently, examined patients - mostly women - who received paclitaxel or oxaliplatin chemotherapy treatment, which are common treatments for breast, colorectal and gynaecological cancers.

    Lead author Dr David Mizrahi, of the Prince of Wales Clinical School at UNSW Medicine & Health, said: "One in two Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by age 85, including 145,000 new cases each year. Thankfully many survive, but side effects as a result of life-saving treatments are less talked about.

    "CIPN is damage to the nerves that can impact your sensation and muscle control, generally in the hands and feet. This can have major implications for those who work with their hands and can impair balance, which can become an even bigger problem for older patients who are then at increased risk of falls. Many patients experience painful symptoms too.

    "There are few established risk factors for this nerve damage. We found patients with low haemoglobin at the beginning of treatment, and those who had higher body mass indexes (BMI), were more susceptible to developing nerve damage. Older patients seemed to be more at risk, too."

    The study's senior author Professor David Goldstein, Conjoint Clinical Professor at UNSW's Prince of Wales Clinical School, said past studies also showed older patients and those with a higher BMI, in both healthy adults and those with conditions such as diabetes, may be prone to developing nerve damage.

    "Importantly, this work was stimulated by two committed consumers from the Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group who had identified that haemoglobin or iron levels may be a modifiable factor," Prof. Goldstein said.

    "Fortunately, we were in a position to examine this within our wider Cancer Institute NSW-funded CIPN research program led by Associate Professor Susanna Park of The University of Sydney and myself.

    "In our recently reported Australian cross-sectional survey of more than 950 patients exposed to neurotoxic chemotherapy, 75 per cent of respondents reported CIPN-related symptoms, emphasising the importance of this issue."

    Prof. Goldstein said: "There are likely a range of factors that contribute to a patient developing CIPN - such as genetics, treatment dose, nutritional status, comorbidities.

    "So, our findings add a new perspective to the current knowledge that patients who receive these types of chemotherapy could have a range of contributing factors putting them at an increased risk of nerve damage.

    "Our findings could help cancer doctors and nurses to identify those who merit either a modified more tailored management approach or much closer and more intensified monitoring for the development of symptoms. This work will also assist medical teams to reduce the long-term severity of symptoms and positively impact patients' quality of life."

    Laying the foundations for future research

    The UNSW-led research team recruited 333 adult patients receiving paclitaxel and oxaliplatin chemotherapy in hospitals and cancer clinics in Sydney and Brisbane between September 2015 and February 2020. The median age was 58 years old.

    About 80 per cent of those recruited were women, because females make up a significant proportion of patients with breast or gynaecological cancers.

    Most patients had advanced stages of cancer, including some who were returning for relapse treatment.

    The researchers analysed initial pre-treatment blood samples from patients before they started chemotherapy and comprehensively assessed participants for nerve damage three to 12 months post-treatment, then compared the results.

    Dr Mizrahi said the team's study was the largest to date to identify low haemoglobin as a potential contributing factor to cancer patients developing CIPN.

    "This result now justifies future studies of the relationship between low haemoglobin, iron levels and CIPN, and whether opportunities for intervention before or during treatment could reduce the risk of developing CIPN," he said.

    "For example, raising haemoglobin by transfusion or iron infusion before starting chemotherapy is a testable hypothesis. In addition, we are currently investigating other potential options for reducing the impact of CIPN, such as using exercise or prescription medications such as Duloxetine (an antidepressant) for people with known CIPN.

    "We are also exploring the use of simple screening questionnaires at each patient's chemotherapy cycle in an attempt to pick up symptoms early, allowing for closer monitoring and opportunities to modify treatments or refer patients to appropriate members of the multi-disciplinary team - so, the burden of symptoms can be reduced."

    Dr Mizrahi acknowledged further exploration of the findings was needed but said the team's research was a key step forward in developing predictive models for CIPN and appropriate clinical pathways for care, which remained an unmet need for an important problem.

    "There are currently no preventative or treatment strategies for CIPN - so, if our findings are validated with further research, future studies could closely monitor patients to determine the impact of risk factors for developing CIPN and examine possible interventions," he said.
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    Effects of exercise interventions to reduce chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy severity: A meta-analysis
    Sergio Nuñez de Arenas-Arroyo, Iván Cavero-Redondo, Ana Torres-Costoso, Sara Reina-Gutiérrez, Patricia Lorenzo-García, Vicente Martínez-Vizcaíno
    27 March 2023
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    Development of the consensus-based recommendations for Podiatry care of Neuropathy In Cancer Survivors (PodNICS): a Delphi consensus study of Australian podiatrists
    Sindhrani Dars, Elizabeth Buckley, Kerri Beckmann, David Roder & Helen Banwell
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research volume 16, Article number: 33 (2023)
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    Effect of Exercise on Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Among Patients Treated for Ovarian CancerA Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial
    Anlan Cao et al
    JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(8):e2326463. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.26463
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    Custom Orthotics to Mitigate Effects of Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
    Earllaine Croarkin et al
    Rehabil Oncol. 2015;33(3):43-50
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    Ankle movement alterations during gait in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia with suspected peripheral mononeuropathy. A cross-sectional study
    José Luis Alaniz-Arcos et al
    Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2024 May:115:106261
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    The effect of hand-foot exercises on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy-related pain, falls, and quality of life in colorectal cancer: A randomized controlled trial
    İlayda Eroğlu, Sevinç Kutlutürkan
    Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2024 Jun 15:71:102641. doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2024.102641.
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    Effect of exercise on gait and postural control in patients with chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review
    Shahnaz Yeasmin & Muhammad Azharuddin
    Sport Sciences for Health

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